Effects of pollutants on human health
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Carbon di-oxide (CO2): It is a major absorber of infrared radiation emitted towards the space from the earth surface. Thus, it has crucial role in planetary temperature structure.
Carbon monoxide (CO): If inhaled, it is absorbed from the lung alveoli 300 times faster than oxygen. High concentration of CO in blood makes it difficult for heart to pump blood through arteries.
Hydrocarbons (HC): Unburnt hydrocarbon may form ozone with oxides of nitrogen which is a central nervous system depressant. Other hydrocarbons cause convulsion of CNS.
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx): Causes dilatation of air spaces in lungs. NO2 causes damages to bronchioles and alveolar ducts. NO2 is also suspected to impair the defense mechanism of respiratory system. Infants and children are more susceptible.
Particulate matter: Diesel emits suspended particulate matter (SPM) which contains shoot. Shoot is responsible for reduction of atmospheric visibility and absorb and carry organic compound to lungs.
Lead (Pb): Around 75% of the ingested lead is deposited in bones and tissues causing irreversible brain and kidney damage. Growing nervous system of young children are particularly vulnerable.
Source: Effect on Dhaka air quality by 2-strokes engines and suggested remedies. Paper presented by Uttara Motors Ltd. at a Consultative Meeting on integrated approach to vehicular pollution control held bewteen April 26-27, 1998 in Dhaka.
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November 22, 1998 10:17 PM