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Arsenic in Nature
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Arsenicosis: Toxic Effects
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MIG 1998

Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water
Bangladesh is the
World's Most Vulnerable Country


In Bangladesh, following de-arsination methods are used:

  • Arsenic Removal Chemical Packet
  • Alum Method
  • Ferric Oxide-manganese dioxide clay based filter columns

Arsenic Removal Chemical Method

This method has been developed by the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health of NIPSOM, which is based on the principle of iron coagulation with a pre-oxidation step. Removal of arsenic by this method is almost 99%.

Alum Method

This cheap method allows 70% removal of arsenic. 300-500 grams of alum wrapped in a clean cloth is sinked in a bucket full of arsenic contaminated water for 12 hours. Upper 2/3rd of the water is separated using decantation or two layered clean cloth. Lower third of water contains arsenic and not suitable for drinking.

Ferric oxide-manganese dioxide clay based filter columns

This earthen column packed with the above substances is attached to the tube well outlet. The method is claimed to remove significant amount of arsenic at the water flow rate of 90-110 ml/minute and the system can filter up to 5000 L of water before disposal.

© Copyright: Medical Information Group (MIG) 1998
Dhaka Medical College (3rd Floor), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Telephone: 880-2-818670; Fax: 880-2-822461 (atten: 818670)
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