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Enter Mindhunter's Realm


I'm Emily, or, mindhunter. The name refers to a book by John Douglas: "Mindhunter." Douglas is a retired profiler from the FBI. Profiling is psychological analysis of criminals and victimology--getting into the head of in order to catch a killer. Involves knowing and studying criminals and criminal behavior, the victims, how they would react, etc. Empathizing with a psycho you might say.

I have a lot of varied interests, varied because my mind tends to run in ten different directions--at once. The liberal arts: reading, writing, psychology, sociology, theatre, phylosophy. Spelling is not one of my interests. One of my friends is amazed that I can read a lot and still not know how to spell anything correctly. Anyway: The "hard" sciences also intrest me. Especially Astronomy and Forensic Science (ties in with explination of 'mindhunter' above), etc. Karate (I'm an orange belt in Shin-Keich-Ryu and a purple belt in Kempo. I love Science Fiction: Hienlein, Bradbury, Card, Clarke, Sagan (though his only science FICTION book is the well-known Contact, A Demon-Haunted World is my favorite...) McCaffrey. Especaially McCaffrey!

Dedication: This main page is dedicated to everyone from LSMSA, ADVANCE, and a few people from Central (my old school, blah!). On the ADVANCE page, and LSMSA page, i'll name some specific people, but for now, specifics will be limited to my three Cenral friends: Harmony Williams, Lesley Bridges (link to her page below) and Jennifer Ferguson, who succeeded in moving out of this awlful state last year.

All that Remains

A single Flash

and the glass is Shattered

tiny splinters littered around

Cold Crack underfoot

A Sharp Cry

nothing is unchanged

in an unfgorgiving instant

I will leave you for now with a few of my favorite quotes to chew on. Enjoy!

"It was fear that first made gods in the world."

"Nothing Begins and Nothing Ends that is not paid with moan, for we are born in others pain and perrish in our own."

"The Difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."

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Some other poems
ADVANCE! Quizes, Links, and other stuff
Fanfiction! X-files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Gifties galore!!!
Pictures! X-Files, Buffy, and Rent--the musical
My Rant: taking advantage of the freedom of speech--while it still exists
