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I subsisted on the edge
Of a woodland so verdant
That its tranquility and inspiration
Was a temptation far too great
For any mortal to defy.
As my weakness would have it,
I took a stroll down the path of virility
That lead into the woodland of carnal knowledge.
The pathway was well worn,
Which told the story
Of countless souls
Who had walked this same path
In search of bestial intimacy.
As I came to the middle of the woodland,
The pathway ceased,
And before me was the Pool of Penser.
It is said that if one bathes
In the clear waters of the pool,
All carnal fantasies become reality.
My propensity for delerium
Lead me into the pool....
The navel high waters were warm
And excuded thoughtful stimulation....
It was then that I first saw her...
A perfect image...
A fairy nymph standing at the edge of the pool
In a lucid white gown
And holding a single white carnation.
Her intense eyes seemed to rent right through me.
I knew not what to do.....
She smiled at me.
And then,
 She gently dropped the carnation on the water.
I watched as the flower drifted towards me....
As I picked the carnation from the water,
A gentle hand touched my shoulder....
I was all warm inside.
It was then that she spoke...
"Many a soul has walked the path of virility
To the Pool of Penser
Seeking subservient pleasures.
But you gentle sir
Stand here in these waters
Where I penetrate your innermost desires.
You seem to know what is
And what is not.
Allow yourself no recessiveness,
For I am verity."
I gazed once more at the carnation...
Her kindly hand then did ease my head up
Only for my eyes to meet hers.
Again she did speak...
"Lady Love now does smile,
So let your love to me awhile.
Do with me what you will,
Break the spell and take your fill.
On and on we'll ride the storm,
The flame,
The fire,
It won't be gone,
And you will realize
Just what's been done."

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