Chris' Topiary Nursery
Welcome to Chris' Topiary Nursery Page. Chris' Topiary Nursery is located in Riverside California and has been established since 1991. We offer more than 60 different topiary forms. We ship smaller sized topiary frames via mail order and sell all sizes of topiary frames as well as planted, shrub-filled topiaries on site. All frames are handcrafted under the highest quality standards. Smaller sized frames are made of 20 guage galvanized poultry netting. Larger sized frames are made of 17 guage galvanized construction netting. All frames are painted white unless otherwise requested.To see pictures of the many different topiary shapes click on the link "Chris'Topiary Pictures" located below.
If you have any questions about Chris' Topiary Nursery or any of its products please email us at MrTopiary@aol.com or call 909 352-3526
Thank You For Visiting My Site, Chris Myers, Owner, Chris' Topiary Nursery
Topiary Links
Chris' Topiary Pictures
- Angels , Bears , Bunnies
- Butterflies , Cactus , Coyotes
- Cows , Cats , Dogs , Deers
- Dolphins , Donkeys , Dragons
- Ducks , Elephants , Fire Hydrants
- Flamingos , Giraffes , Hearts
- Horses , Hummingbirds , Kangaroos
- Lambs , Mushrooms , Penguins
- People , Pigs , Seahorses , Sea Serpents
- Seals , Slippers , Snails , Snowmen
- Sports Figures , Swans , Swordfish
- Teapots , Teddybears , Turtles
Email: mrtopiary@aol.com