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~ "A Day For Hearts" ~
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day

SEE Alaska's 2002 Proclamation!!

Joining at least 45 states, Governor Knowles recently proclaimed February 14, 2002
"A Day for Hearts: Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Day"
A disturbing, and little-known statistic: At least 1 in every 100 infants are born with a heart defect. More babies are born with CHD than with Spina Bifida, Down's syndrome and HIV, combined!

Our family had never heard of "congenital heart defect" or "CHD" until October 29, 1995. When within hours of a routine vaccination, our son (then 13.5 mos.) was getting an EKG & chest x-rays. Many times we had taken this child to Drs. for a yellow complexion, "fussy" actions & lack of eating... he was diagnosed as a "closet spitter" & had a "betacarotine glow".
We now learned our child was in congestive heart failure!

We barely got on our feet after Timothy's open heart surgery (2 weeks after his actual diagnoses) when our next son Taylor, was born with yet another CHD.

Many statistics report the general public (YOU) to have a 1% risk of having a child with CHD. This is based on LIVE births:( These statistics- do NOT count those children diagnosed with CHD later in life (such as Tim). MANY children are diagnosed at 2 months, a year... ADULTS are sometimes diagnosed with a CHD that was missed their entire lives- some requiring open heart surgery- some collapse & die as they play sports in school/boot camp etc.! However, these are NOT included in the reported statistics. Many cardiologists suggest family members of a CHD child have their hearts checked and often they find an undetected CHD.

Since our last sons death, we have been told by Pediatric Cardiologists, that CHD may be as prominant as 3-7% "or higher" for the general public. (We were NOT aware of this & our loss has been devastating) We have been told that our son Tim has a 15% or higher risk of having children one day with CHD. If WE decided to have another biological child, we too, would carry the same risk
A congenital heart defect is present at birth. There are at least 35 distinct types of congenital heart defects & every year there are around 40,000 babies born with CHD- making this the #1 birth defect in our children today! Heart defects are the leading cause of birth defect related deaths. In most cases, scientists do not know the cause of CHD. Heredity, perscription drugs, over the counter medicines, virus' as well as alcohol & "street" drugs may increase the risk of having a baby with heart defects. Other causes that affect the hearts developement are under study.

In our case (& MOST others) we never took drugs or drank alcohol, and only took prescribed medications. We have no other CHD's in our families... cardiologists were shocked to find these two defects occurring in siblings. One of the cardiologists we have seen has said "This clearly has a genetic componant"- the next one says "It is a case of lightning striking twice- it just DOESN'T happen. There is probably no need for a genetic work-up". And most recent... "There is possibly something going on here that has a genetic or perhaps a combination of genetic and environmental components."

After seeing one of our children on life support- we were terrified of another CHD while expecting our next child. Still, the Drs. never told us there were more extensive tests available. I only learned of "fetal echocardiogram" eleven days AFTER our sons birth/death. This may have detected his CHD (or may not have?) We COULD have been more prepared. We could have given birth in a GOOD cardiac area, rather than traveling further north in search of a safe c-section.

Many of us would like to see Level 2 & level 3 ultrasounds done more often... and fetal echo's offered to EVERYONE with a CHD history.

During the fight to keep our youngest son alive, the hospital searched throughout S.E. Alaska for a specific drug to help keep his Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) open (prostiglandin E maintains patency) - this could continue his blood circulating. They found NONE in S.E. Alaska! Juneau had a bottle but it was out dated. About 6 hours later, (he was intubated & barely "holding his own") the medication arrived with the airlift team. Unfortunately, it was too late. After the fact, we were told they would now keep this drug on hand in their facility "We may not need it for another 6 years- but we'll have it".

NOBODY was prepared for what happened. Yet later, we would learn we were "high risk" for CHD and it's the #1 birth defect!

From 1986 to 1996 death rates for congenital cardiovascular defects declined 25%, while the actual number of deaths declined 14.4%. We would like to see these rates decline even MORE.

I have seen statistics showing as little as 3% of the total money donated to AHA is used for CHD research... PLEASE consider giving to the American Heart Association during their fund drive or ANY TIME... & think about giving SPECIFICALLY for CONGENITAL HEART DEFECTS. (if not specified- VERY LITTLE will actually go to CHD research!)


Legacy of Life Endowment
Nearly twice as many children die from congenital heart disease in the United States each year as die from all forms of childhood cancers combined.

The Legacy of Life is an American Heart Association campaign to raise $1 million for congenital heart defect research. When we meet our goal, these funds will be invested and the Legacy of Life endowment will be created. This endowment will provide a perpetual funding source for congenital heart defect research – the most common birth defect and the leading cause of death from birth defects during the first year of life.

The best way you can help the American Heart Association in its work to prevent and repair congenital heart defects is by sending your donation today. Mail the following contribution form (pdf file) to the American Heart Association, Legacy of Life Endowment, 208 South LaSalle, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60604. If you would like to make this gift in honor or memory of someone, please complete the contribution form and send it with your gift.

American Heart Association Legacy of Life Info


A BIG heartfelt

THANK YOU for stopping by!

sk ^i^

Taylor's story Timothy's story

AHA Congenital Heart Defects in Children Fact Sheet
CHD Endowment Information
Artical written by Raymond Runyan, Ph.D.
American Heart Association & children
Heart disease & defects