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The Vampires In
Our Minds

Are Vampires the walking, bloodsucking undead or are they the physical depiction of the forbiden desires of the mortal mind? With the out look of the later Vampires walk amoungst us and in us evey day. What a person concievs as forbiden and evil are the characteristics of their Vampire. May it be undying lust or the savage violence of a rabid animal, all which many Vampires posess. We fear what we do not know, envy what we can not have and fear those who can do what we wish we could, but can't out of fear and physical inability. The Vampire is all of that. The Vampire's desires are much our own selffish desires, power, lust, and greed. Only having to take care of yourself and worrying about no one else. A total disconcern with life outside yourself. A seemingly carefree life with restrictions as harsh as the freedom is unlimiting. Who wouldn't want the freedom that only Vampire's posess. The thoughts that you keep to yourself, the dreams you have just before you fall asleep, and the desires that you feel guilty admitting to yourself, the Vampire is able to do without a second thought. The human mind could not withhold these desires without some sort of a release so the Vampire was the outlet for all of the forbiden thoughts.

Religion played a large part in society's labeling of certan acts as unholy and unnatural. I'm not going to state my religious views as to keep this unbiased. But relion has played a very large part if not all of the labeling. Religion has restricted the human mind from allowing itself to think openly without having feelings of guilt. Humans are not perfect and we can not restrict our minds from thinking, we can only control our actions. (and that's not always easy for some) Our minds wondered and the Vampire was created to do all the things that we wished we could. The Vampires feared religion and the cross, could that say that trough time the Vampire transformed and gained the fears of the people of that time? The ones who did not follow the church were labeled "wicked" and unholy, so were and are the Vampire. The unholy thoughts were never to be spoken much like the Vampire could not step into the light. Neither could be brought into the "light." The Vampire feed upon us much as our forbiden desires feed upon us. Every aspect of the Vampire is an aspect of ourselves.

The characteristics we give the Vampire are not always negitive. As in the case of Bela Lugosi he was excentric, well dressed, and appealing, a lot like our desires and so-called sins can be. The Vampire was a Pandora's Box opening for sinful expression. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and so is evil.

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