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The great god of Egypt,Lord of the sun and the sky.He lived for countless millennia in a lotua growing in the depths of the ocean until he ascended in his full splendour.Neither gods nor men existed until RA created them.He created Shu and Tefnut,ancestors of all the gods,out oh his own body,and created mortal men and wemon out of his tears.Consequently they have known little but sorrow.

But gods and mortals lived happily enough together until RA began to grew old.Men and gods then plotted against each other for supremancy and the univerise was wracked with such qurrels that RA grew weary of thee world and left it for the sky.He stepped into a heavenly boat and began an eternal voyage around the cosmos.

For twelve hours each day he sails across the heavens from east to west,with his great eye still watching and helping the affairs of men.Occasionally the great serpent APEP,which lives in the Nile,attempts to swallow his boat and when this happen and the noise of their combat clamours across the sky.

After dark,his boat takes him for twelve hours through the Underworld.He brings a little light and warmth to those condemned to reside there although he has to fight off meny monsterous enemies.Fortunately he always defeats them and emerges triumphantly to sail across the daylight skies.

In the past he only left his boat when one of the pharaohs married a new wife.He would then get her with child so that the men of the dynasty of Pharaoh would be sons of RA.Nowadays he still sails over Egypt but there is no need for his marital services.

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