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"Welcome To The Vampire Historie Page"

Black as a bat's wing,night brings release to all the creatures who must slither or suffle away when cockcrow heralds our enemy the sun. people have given us many names: ghouls,ghost,night wanderers,vampires,werewolves,and so on.But we are all members of the same family; the tormented souls who must return forever th the scenes of our lost humanity. You may hang garlic or a cruifix above your bed, prepare silver bullets to shoot us, call in holy men to exorcise ua from your home, but they cannot defeat us,Our name is Legion, and we are to meny for you becouse we are the forces of evil who reflect the evil within your own souls. Even though you run screaming into the DARKNESS we will always catch up with you, becouse your own evil will always betray you.

The Vampire does not walk with the souls of man or look down upon the earth with human eyes. His passions make him stranger. The vampire may wear the form, but he has no sympathy with dreathing flesh. His joy is the solitude of the iced mountain, to follow through the night the sinking moon and catch the dazzling lightnings. He dives in his lone wanderings to the Cave Of Death, and draws forbidden conclusions from withered bones and heaped dust passing night of the years in sciences untought save in the Old Time.

a few pages have been added,please bear with me more will be comeing soon

Drcula Bassarab Vlad Drakul
WereWolf's will be added soon