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Wave Race 64

Baby Dolphins and a Whale In this code, you aren't affecting any particular race or racer, but you do attract three dolphins and a whale to follow you around. Go to Championship Mode, choose easy and then choose warm up. you'll end up in Dolphin Park. Follow the dolphin as it forges out two loops. Stay close to the dolphin, but don't lose it or pass it up. You'll know whether you're on the right track if, as you reach the pier, it'll do a flip. It's important that you do what the dolphin does, so if it does a barrel roll as it clear the jumps, then do barrel rolls; if it does flips, then do flips, etc. The dolphin seems to randomly make a choice as to which trick (if any) it performs each time you turn on the machine, so if you aren't good at the tricks, keep restarting machine until he's just clearing the jumps. After approximately two laps (each lap consists of two times around), the dolphin will do a back flip (if you've done it right), and a baby dolphin will follow you. Each time you do it another baby dolphin will appear until there's three. After you've completed approximately 30 laps of this kind without falling, passing the dolphin, or messing up in any other way, you'll attract a killer whale to join the pack!

Change Racers Colors Here's a simple trick that'll bring a little difference into the way your characters look. Go to the character select screen, and before choosing characters, push the analog stick or the D-pad up and hold it there -- the characters's outfits and jetski bikes will change in color. The number on the bikes will also change. This is actually the alternate color chosen by the computer in Two-player Mode.

Dolphin Ride In stunt mode, go to Dolphin Park, ride through all of the rings and do the following tricks: [*(Handstand)** (Backwards Spin) **(Stand with Backflip)** (Signal Backflip off Ramp)** (Dive off Ramp) **Barrell Roll off Ramp in both directions)*] If you did the code correctly, you'll here squeaking when you cross the finish line. Additionally, when you reset and go the title screen, you'll see people riding on dolphins. In order to ride a dolphin, select Championship Race, normal mode. Hold down the analog stick when selecting your racer. In Dolphin Park, you will ride a dolphin. The code lasts permanently and can be chosen again and again even after you're turned off your N64.

Quick start: Hold both Gas buttons just before the announcer says, "Go!". Done properly, your speed should increase immediately to maximum power.

Extra points: Pause the game immediately after a stunt and just before the announcer speaks in stunt mode. When done properly, only the announcer's voice will be heard. A large number of extra points will be awarded for simple stunts. Another way get extra points is to cross the finish time as the clock reaches zero.

Color select: Highlight a character and hold Up on the Analog-stick when selecting a jet ski to choose between two different color schemes.

Gentle waves and ramps: Press B just before hitting a big wave or ramp to reduce the amount of air time.

Change view: Press C-Up and C-Down to adjust the zoom. Press C-Left and C-Right to change the camera angle.

Slide: Press R to slide on the water.

Reverse mode: Win the game on expert mode. After the ending sequence, return to championship mode and choose the new reverse mode option to go through the course backwards.

Fast recovery: Repeatedly tap A after falling off the jet ski to climb back quickly.