Jim Morrison...Speaking Live
In May 1970, while awaiting the Simon & Schuster publication of The Lords & The New Creatures, and attracted by the chance to talk intelligently about something other than the music scene, Jim Morrison agreed to a "literary" interview with Tony Thomas of the Canadian Broadcasting Company. The interview took place at The Doors office in Los Angeles on May 27, 1970 and was partially aired on radio in Canada, but was never published.
Tony Thomas: Jim, the very first line of your new book of poems reads "Look where we worship." What do young people worship today? What do they believe? What do they hang onto; what do they hope for?
Jim Morrison: Well, I can't speak for young people, but probably a guess would be the same things they've always celebrated, a joy of existence, self-discovery, freedom, that kind of thing.
TT: But politically and philosophically, the young people now seem to feel very definite ideas about the establishment, old systems of governing people and moral attitudes.