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21 Jump Street- Fallen Angels

21 Jump Street- Fallen Angels

__________________________________________________________________________ Prologue by Sarah Lubin __________________________________________________________________________ Tom walked down an alley without a flashlight and without his partner, Doug Penhall. He blew a piece of brown hair out of his face. A crunching of a can echoed in the alleyway. Tom thought it was Harry.
"Harry?" asked Tom as he walked farther into the alleyway. He wished he had brought a flashlight. The moon was suppose to be a full one, except clouds were covering it. A gun shot echoed.
Tom spun around, to be greeted by a rather large hand. Before, he could scream out, the hand grabbed him and covered his mouth. Another hand grabbed the gun and pressed it against Tom's face.
"Hanson?" yelled Capt. Fueller. "Are you okay?"
"You tell him nothing's wrong or I'll blow your goddamn brains outta your head and onto the sidewalk, you hear?" said a harsh voice.
"Hanson? What's going on?"
Tom nodded. The guy took his hand off Tom's mouth. "I....I'm....I'm fine, captain." Tom was close to tears. He didn't want to die like his father. The hand covered his mouth.
"That's my boy." said the voice. He dragged Tom into a doorway as someone came down the alleyway. The guy opened the door and walked in. Tom looked out the window and saw Doug walking around. The gun was pressed against his temple, but Tom wanted to scream as loud as he could. "I said not a word, bud." said the voice into Tom's ear.
Tom moaned. He began to breath heavily. The guy pushed him against the wall. "Stay put or I'll shoot you." said the voice as he took out a rope. He turned Tom around and tied his hand together. The guy spun Tom around, again. He had a bandana. His forced Tom's mouth open and shoved it inside. Tom began to gag as the guy tied. "All set."
"Tom?" asked Doug. The man shoved Tom to the ground. He pointed the gun at Doug's back. Tom heard the trigger cock. He kicked the man in the leg. The gun went off, following by a blood curling scream. The man pulled Tom to his feet and led him to the back of the build.
Judy ran down the alleyway. She saw Doug laying on the ground. His gun was a few feet away from his hand. Judy stepped closer to Doug. He wasn't moving. Judy gulped and stepped next to Doug. She took out her flashlight and screamed...... ___________________________________________________________________________ Scene 1 By Sarah Lubin ___________________________________________________________________________ He sat on the porch with a blanket wrapped around him. The swing was slowly swaying in the breeze. No one was home....just himself and the memories that still haunted his mind. He couldn't get any sleep at night because he could heard the screaming, the crying, and the gunshots echoing in his mind. He had quit his job. It was too tough for him to face everyone after what happened.
He wasn't sure who was the "lucky" person to find him huddled up in the corner of a cold closet like room with blood, bruises, and tears covering him.
Everyone noticed he had lost his playfulness, his warm school-boy smile, and the twinkling light in his deep brown eyes. He grew pale and thin and weery. Dark circles hung under his eyes like gray clouds. He never needed to tell anyone the pain he had gone through....he just had to look at them. The doctors said it was a mental illness that plagued him during all hours. He knew what it was called. Severe post-traumatic stress disorder is was called. He was ill. The stress, the pain, and the trama he had gone through had taken over his mind and it had no intention to let go.
It had happened to him a few times. Once in a rehab center, once in a werehouse with a little girl, once with his friend. This time he couldn't take it. His friend had been shot, he had been beaten senseless a number of times, and no came to his aid for three long weeks. He had to have therapy three times a week, quit his job, and never see his friends again. He never wanted to see them again.....they never got there in time to save the last of his happiness...... ___________________________________________________________________________ Scene 2 by dreadzone ___________________________________________________________________________ The nurse walked into Doug Penhall's room with Judy Hoffs trailing behind her. It had been a little over three days since Tom vanished and Doug was shot in the lower back. Doug had been sleeping the entire time, he wasn't in a coma, he was just resting.
"He's under a sedative and painkillers. He might not wake up while you are visiting him." said the nurse.
Judy nodded. "He's just sleeping, right?" She sat down on the bed and took Doug's hand.
"He's just sleeping, Officer Hoffs. Don't worry, he'll come around by tomorrow." said the nurse. "I'll be back in ten minutes."
Judy nodded and turned to Doug. He was so sweet when he was quiet, not burping, and sleeping. "Dorothy is missing out." said Judy to herself.
Doug's hand moved and he turned his head. They had a tube up his nose. He felt it and his eye fluttered open. Judy noticed and smiled. "Hey, you Big Boy." Doug grinned and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. "Judy?"
"I'm right here, Doug." Judy patted his hand. "How are you feeling?"
Doug tried to sit up, but his back began to hurt. "Like crap. What the heck happened?"
Judy smiled. "You were walking down an alley way, looking for Tom and the bastard shot you."
"Tom?" asked Doug.
"No.....that mob guy. He got away and Tom vanished. No one can find him and we got all officers looking for him." said Judy. She brushed a piece of hair out of Doug's eyes.
"Oh....where's everyone else?" asked Doug. He Tried to sit up again, but the pain in his back grew greater.
"They're all in the waiting room. Only one at a time can see you." said Judy.
The nurse came back into the room and saw that Doug was awake. "You must be hungry. I'll get the doctor and some food." She ran out of the room.
"Oh great." said Doug. "Hospital food." ___________________________________________________________________________ Scene 3 by Patti ___________________________________________________________________________ Tom walked through the Chapel. He slowly made his way to his desk, greeting people as he went along. When he got to his desk he was greeted by a beautiful face that was long time missed. Amy Pearson, Tom's old girlfriend who died in a convenience store robbery, was sitting at the desk. "Hi, honey! I was waiting." "What are you doing here," Tom asked. Amy got up and walked around the desk and embraced him. "I told you, I was waiting for you," Amy said with a beautiful smile. "That's not what I meant.'re....but, no. I mean, you're not alive. How are you here?" "Don't worry about that silly! I'm here for you." Tom suddenly felt a stab of pain through his stomach. It felt as if one of his ribs just cracked. He wrapped his arms around his stomach. Amy didn't even flinch and the smile on her face was still shining beautifully. "Amy..." he gasped. "It's okay. That's the way it goes." "Yea, don't worry about it," a voice said from behind him. Tom immediately recognized the voice, "Dad!" Tom snapped his head around to see him, but when he turned all he saw was a corpse. It was decaying and maggots crawled out of it's eye. He yelped and stumbled backward and bumped into Amy. He turned to face her and saw another corpse. He screamed and stumbled backwards pass his desk and to the window. He trembled and pushed his back against the window. "This can't be...." he mumbled. Suddenly, pain stabbed him again and he push against the window again. It gave away. He fell. Agonizingly slow, he fell to the waiting death. Forty feet...he held out his hands...thirty feet...he screamed...twenty feet...he gasped for air...ten feet...he could feel Death waiting...five feet...he clenched his eyes closed...a foot...he felt a slap hit his face and a rough voice say "Wake up, bitch." He jerked awake and gasped for air. He was alive, well at least for the time being. He had no clue where he was, who he was, or what was going on. Suddenly, like a wave, all his memories came back. The good ones first, then the horrible ones rushed in. He remember where he was and he started squirming and twisting to try and get away from the manic. The man pushed Tom against the wall by the throat and Tom gasped for air. Tears came to his eyes. "I can't wait until I can squeeze the breathe out of you and kill you like the scum you are." The guy spit in his face. "But not yet, of course. You haven't suffered long enough. Not yet." With that, he throw Tom to the ground and kicked his back a few times. With a swift kick to Tom's side, the man left. He left Tom in his hell hole to writhe in pain alone. For the first time since his father died, Tom cried. He was hurt, tired, and hungry. His back was a ball of pain and his ribs stabbed him ever chance possible. He wanted to go home. He wanted to get away. He continued crying.... ___________________________________________________________________________ Scene 4 by Sarah Lubin ___________________________________________________________________________ Clavo walked down the steps of the school yard and saw Doug waiting for him with Judy. The little boy rushed across the street and jumped into Dougís arms. Doug picked him up and opened the back door. ìHow was school today, squirt?î asked Doug as he put Clavo down on the ground. Clavo slipped into the back and put on his seat belt. ìI got an A on my English test.î He handed a paper to Doug and smiled as he leaned back. Doug looked at the paper and noticed Judy was looking over his shoulder. ìGeez, heís a chip off the old block, huh?î Judy nodded. ìOh sure.î she said sarcastically. Clavo giggled from the back. Doug raised his brow and saw Clavo from the mirror. ìWhatís so funny?î Clavo shrugged. ìNothing.î He waved to a few of his friends as the car drove off. Judy looked at Doug. ìI got a phone call from Julia Hanson.î said Judy in a whisper. Doug nodded. ìHowís Tom?î He changed lanes to go to the Chapel so Clavo could see Joey, his uncle. Judy shrugged. ìHeís living in Washington State, right across the border.î said Judy. She looked behind her and saw that Clavo was listening to his walkman while holding a Tom Petty tape. ìShe hasnít heard from him in a while.î Doug sighed. ìIs he getting better at least?î He looked at Judy. ìI guess so. Heís getting therapy and the whole bit. He was taken off of Prozac a couple of months ago.î Judy brushed a piece hair out of his face. ìWhen did he go on Prozac?î asked Doug. He turned the car down a street. Judy laughed. ìYou donít remember that? Come on, Doug. He was so high that you could use his breath to fill a dozen balloons.î Doug shrugged. ìI donít remember.î He chewed on his lower lip. ìMurphy called.î Judy smiled. ìI always liked that kid. Whatís she up to?î She leaned back into the seat. ìSheís in New York at NYU studying with Jerry Oí Connell. That girl is flipping out about it and sheís having lunch with him today or something.î said Doug. Judy laughed. ìI guess she likes film school.î ìI guess so.î said Doug. ìAbout Tom, is he, you know....î Judy shrugged. ìI dunno. Julia didnít mention it that much. His aunt said that he doesnít like taking Advil.î Doug smirked. ìIf you guzzled down a bunch of pills, Iíd think youíd hate to take pills after you recovered.î He pulled into the parking lot and saw Mac with Joey, who was holding a pizza. Clavo got out of the car and waved at Joey. ìHey uncle Joey!î Joey smiled and walked over to the car with Mac trailing behind him. ìHey Clavo. Doug, you got a call from a Tom guy.î Doug nodded. ìYou checked my answering machine?î Joey nodded with a weird look on his face. ìThere was nothing else to do, so?î Doug smacked him upside the head. ìDumbas---î Judy cleared her throat and motioned at Clavo. Clavo crossed his arms and looked at the grown-ups. ìI know what heís going to say. Heís going to call uncle Joey a dumbass.î ___________________________________________________________________________ Scene 5 by Sarah Lubin and Holly Glymour ___________________________________________________________________________ Tom sat on the swing by the stables with a book next to the tree that the swing was held by. He was bare foot with jeans, a blue, gray, and white plaid flannel shirt, a white t-shirt, and a baseball cap covering his short brown hair. In the sunlight of the mid-afternoon, Tom looked like a lonesome ghost. His skin was pale and the circles under his eyes looked even darker. He rocked slowly on the swing as the wind pushed him and the leaves that clun to the tree. "Tommy?" Tom looked up and saw his aunt, Jessie, with her riding clothes on. She must have been at the stables riding one of the horses with the stupid German Shepard, Montana, chasing after them. The dog ran up to Tom and jumped on him. Tom pet the dog's head. "Tommy, you look a little tried." Jessie said as she took off her riding gloves. "Why don't you come inside and take a nap." She picked up the book and looked at the cover. "Haven't you already read this, sweetheart?" She turned the cover of KILLER ANGELS to Tom. Tom nodded and took the book. "I just wanted to read it again." He stood up and took off the baseball cap, then brushed his hair back with his hand and put the cap back on. Jessie smiled and put her arm around Tom's waist as they walked back to the house with Montana walking ahead of them. "You have beautiful hair, Tommy." She took off his cap and ruffled his hair. "Why do you wear this silly thing anyways?" Tom shrugged. "I feel like it." He walked onto the porch of the house and waited for Jake, his oldest cousin, to open the door. Jake swung the door open and moved aside as Tom and Jessie walked into the house. Jessie went to the closet and pulled out a blanket. "Tommy, take a nap on the couch. I'll wake up for dinner." She handed Tom the blanket and led him over to the couch. Tom laid down and pulled the blanket over him. Jessie smiled and kissed his forehead. Tom closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep on the couch. Jessie stroked his hair and saw her son standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. "Mom, he's a big boy now." said Jake. He led his mom into the kitchen. Jessie took the apron from the doorway and tied it around her waist before starting dinner. "I'm worried about that boy. He's" "I think the word you are looking for is depressed." said Jake as he brushed a dark brown curl of hair out of his face. "That wasn't the I was thinking of, Jake." said Jessie as she washed some carrots in the sink. Jake shrugged and leaned against the counter. "But it's true." Jessie sighed. "Leave that boy alone, Jake. He isn't insane or that depressed. He's lonely. I tell him to call his friends back in Vancouver, but he refuses." Jake groaned. "Mom, he doesn't want to face them. It hurts him." He smiled as he picked up an apple. "Besides, my friends think he's cool." he tossed the apple in the air. Jessie smiled and grabbed the apple. "Tommy was born cool, you remember that." ____________________________________________________________________________ Scene 6 by Sarah Lubin ____________________________________________________________________________ The maniac walked into the room and saw Tom lying on the ground. He was curled up into a ball and he was asleep. The maniac took the baseball bat out from behind him and rose it in the air. Tom woke up with a scream. He knee began to throb in pain. Another whack hit him in the lower back. Tom began to scream louder and sob. The bat smack him in the face. Tom covered his face up and sobbed. He felt his blood rolling down his face. "How's that for you, scum?" asked the maniac. He rised the bat and slammed it down on Tom's leg. Tom felt the broke break. He screamed and his sides throbbed with pain. The maniac laughed and hit Tom with the bat in the same place. Tom cried hysterically until the guy stopped. "That's enough for now." said the maniac as he closed the door. The room with silent, again. Tom calmed himself down and sat up against the wall. His whole body was in pain and he hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday morning. Tom wished that Doug was there to protect him or at least Dennis. He laid on the cold ground and closed his eyes. Tom shivered from the cold and he opened his eyes halfway. This is what death is like and he was going to die like this. Tom took a deep breath and cried until he fell into a deep sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scene 7 By Patti ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tom was on his knees in front of the only door in and out of the room. He tried to pick the lock with a pocket knife he always had with him. He'd been trying to do it ever since he regained his composure ever the guy left. After the man did leave, Tom was out for about half an hour, then when he woke up he let himself lay on the ground crying over his problems for ten minutes until he decided he had to do something. That's when he got the idea to pick the lock. Although, now this idea wasn't looking as good of an idea as it did in the beginning. He had little cuts and scraps forming across both his hands from every time he missed the lock. He was crying. That didn't help with his aim any, so he forced himself to stop. That alone took another five minutes. After twenty-eight tries, frustration and anger started getting the best of him. He could feel the heat from his anger raising up on him. Patience started wearing very thin and he couldn't contain himself. With an angered yell, he cut himself one more time. This time near the base of his palm. He watched the blood slowly seep from his hand. He looked back at the knife and saw the blood on that too. Then he looked at his wrist. For the first time in his life, he considered the idea of suicide. To end the misery. He remember one time when he was twelve, he accidentally cut his wrist with a scissors and he was immediately rushed to the hospital. The medics stopped the bleeding and saved his life (although he was afraid to use a scissors for another two years). He learned the value of life through-out his whole time on Earth. Every time a gun was stuck in his face, every time he saw someone else get shot, every time he saw someone else go to jail, he thought, thank God I have a good life. Now, he was actually considered taking it. The blood from the base of his palm started to drip off his arm and on his pants. He looked at it, mesmerized by the sight. He took the knife in a firm grip in his right hand and held it above his left wrist. His hand started to tremble. He pressed the edge of the knife against his wrist and said a silently pray, begging forgiveness. He was just about to pull the knife back and slit his wrist when the door banged open and knocked Tom backwards on his butt and the knife to the left. "Now what were you doing by the door? Trying to escape," The manic said. "There is no escape." And the man went into a giggling fit, regaining himself after a few minutes. The straighten up and said, "Now. It's time to make the call to your cop friends and get this plan in motion." He pulled a cell phone out of his back pocket. "Okay. What's the number to your place?" Tom clamped his mouth shut and stared at the guy. "Don't be an idiot kid. Tell me the number and save yourself a lot of pain." "What's your plan,' Tom asked slowly. "If I tell you, will you tell me the number," The guy asked getting bored with this game. "'Cause, you know, it saves me the trouble for beaten on you again. Though, I won't enjoy it, I just want to get this over with, just like you." "Tell me the plan," Tom said. "Okay, here it is. I call and tell your cop friends to meet me somewhere. Like in the movies, I bring you, they bring money. But you see, when they come to get you, I have my two friends sit in hiding places behind them. So they come, and when they give me the money, BANG! I blow your freakin' brains out all over the sidewalk. Then my friend cut loose and shoot ever cop they can see. Lots of dead cops. Just the way I like. Now, tell me the number," Tom sat there staring at the man and simply said, "No." "You little son of a bitch, you will tell me that number." The manic said as he grabbed the front of Tom's shirt and slammed him against the wall. "TELL ME!" Tom said nothing and took the following beating in silence. When the guy was done beating on him, he stated, "I'll find out the number myself." He searched Tom's every pocket until he came out with Hanson's ID and wallet. He left the room to go call someone to get the Jump Street Chapel's number. Tom got up, punched the door and yelled curses out until his voice left him. He sit down in the corner and whimpered quietly, knowing the guy would sooner or later get the number. ____________________________________________________________________________ Scene 8 by Sarah Lubin ____________________________________________________________________________ Judy, Harry, and Capt. Fueller sat in his office. There was a bunch of maps, notes, and cans all over the place. Judy was talking on the phone with a guy from the police department in Vancouver. She hung up the phone. Doug hobbled into the room with a bag of hamburgers from Burger King. "So? Did you guys find him??" Judy shook her head. "The Captain said that Solace might be hiding out at the warehouse on the boating docks or the warehouse by the alleyway on Folson Avenue." Capt. Fueller nodded. "Judy and Harry, you two go look on Folson, Doug and I will take the docks." He looked at Doug, who had a pout on his face. "Can you handle it?" Doug nodded. "Yeah, just let me throw these burgers to the dogs." He walked outside and glanced over at Hanson's empty desk. "You miss him don't you?" said a familiar voice. Doug spun around and saw (out of all people), Dorothy. She smiled. "It could help if you said hello." Doug broke down and hugged Dorothy, tightly. Dorothy sighed and stroked his hair. "I heard what happened and I flew out of O' Hare." said Dorothy. Doug looked at her. "I thought you hated me?" Dorothy pulled Doug back into an embraced. "Not that much." Judy and Harry walked outside and the both of them hugging. Judy nudged Harry in the stomach. "Talk about weird." whispered Judy. Harry nodded in agreement. He heard the phone from Hanson's desk ring. He rushed over to pick it up. "Hello, 21 Jump Street, Officer Harry Ioki speaking." said Harry. "I need to speak to a Doug Penhall." said a unfamiliar voice. Harry motioned Doug over to the desk. "It for you." Doug took the phone. "Hello?" "Do you like scary movies?" asked the voice. Doug got confused. "What?" "Do you want to see your friend alive, bitch?" asked the voice. "Where the fuck are you???" screamed Doug. "Doug...." said a trembling voice of Tom Hanson. Doug was completely baffled. "Tom? Is that you?" "Doug, don't come. He's going to kill you....please don't come." said Tom as he sobbed. Doug began to freak out. "Tom, calm down, okay? Please don't cry." "You bring me a hundred thou, buddy or Tom will die." said the voice. "I'm not going to make a deals with you, asshole." Doug retorted. A gunshot went off. Doug screamed as loud as he could and dropped the phone. He slid to the ground, sobbing. Judy took the phone. "Hello?" There was silence. "That was just a warning." Then a click. ___________________________________________________________________________ Scene 9 By Patti ___________________________________________________________________________ Doug sat curled on the floor in front of Tom desk, crying. Judy tried to calm him with soothing words and hugs, but he was too freaked. Captain Fuller and Harry stood off to one side, talking quietly, every once and a while glancing over at Judy and Doug. "He didn't shoot Tom, Doug," Judy whispered into his ear, "He only fired the gun off to scare you." "It..." Doug looked up and sniffled, "worked." He paused and thought. Then said out loud with anger, "Why the hell did it have to be Tom? Tom goes through hell for this job, he doesn't deserve that, Jud. He doesn't!" Sobs racked Doug again as he finished his sentence. He bowed his head back onto his knees. Dorothy stood to one side watching the disaster unfold. She stayed out of the way of everybody so they could help find Tom, but right now she just wanted to hug Doug. She walked slowly over to Doug and leaned down opposite of Judy. Judy looked up and acknowledged her presence. They both sat next to Doug for the next five minutes, carefully talking to him. Then suddenly, Judy got up and went over near Harry and Fuller. "Is he okay?" Harry asked. "Yeah, he's okay, but very upset over this." "What did the man on the phone say to you, Judy?" Fuller asked getting down to business. "All he said to me was this is a warning, then he hung up. I asked Doug what the guy said, but he's too upset to get any clear words out." Fuller sighed, then walked over to Penhall and stood in front of him. Doug looked up and amazing resembled a young kid who just did something wrong. "Douglas." He said in his best authoritative voice, "What did Solace say to you?" "He wants hundred thou." Doug said with a crack in his voice. "Did he say where?" Doug shook his head, "Not that I remember." "Okay, that's good. He won't be ready for us, if we find him on the docks or that warehouse then." Fuller said. Then he stated out loud for all his officers to hear, "We have to find Tom now. He may not have much more time. Let's get going then." Fuller ordered as he walked over to the coat rack. "Judy and Harry remember, you two are taking the warehouse on Folson Avenue. Doug, you're with me if you're still up for it?" "Definitely. I need to do this now. Dorothy, wait here." Doug got up, wiped his eyes and grabbed his coat. "Let's go." All of them left going their separate ways. Suddenly, Tom's phone rang. "Hello?" One of the officer in the chapel said into it. "Is Officer Penhall there?" said the voice. "No, he just left. Sorry." "Can you tell me where he went? It's very urgent that I speak to him," said the rough voice over the voice. "He's out looking for some kidnapper. Who should I tell him called?" "He's out looking for me...I mean a kidnapper? Hmmm? Okay," the man mumbled. "Excuse, sir. What did you say? I didn't hear you." "Nevermind." There was a click and the dial tone suddenly rose on the phone... ___________________________________________________________________________

click here to read scene 10!!!!
