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Since i have put up this website, many people have written to me asking for advice or help... and also where i am right now in my struggle with self-mutilation well, i am proud to say that i am cut free for about 1 year now... i am still in therapy and struggling with issues that i never knew that i had. i still have the urge to cut, but have found other things to do with my time. everyone wants to know what the big secret is to stop cutting. well, i must say that no one ever took my cutting away from me. my therapist, or my friends. so, i still had my power, but it was my choice to stop using it. i surrounded myself with positive influences all around me. i was never without a friend by my side. and i knew that they loves and cared about me for me... and it didn't matter what i looked like, or things that i liked. the never ran away, they tried to understand and then help. in these past 3 years that this website has been up, i have found more books that are good references to cutters and their loved ones. such as cutting: understanding and overcoming self mutilation by: steven levenkron the luckiest girl in the world by: steven levenkron crosses by: shelley stoehr a bright red scream by:marilee strong bodily harm by: karen conterio and wendy lader cutting the pain away by:ann holmes hopefully some of these books will help you or your loved one understand a little better. and in a couple of years i hope to have my own book out about my own personal experiences with cutting. good luck to everyone, and if there is ever any need for more information, please dont hesistate to write me.

Cutting Websites

Info about Self-Mutilation and Cutting
Secret Shame
My Friend - My Enemy
