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Welcome to Amanda's World

all of my friends from college aren't pictured here... that's just because we're too lazy to either take pictures, or i'm just to broke to develop film and then scan the pics. either one works... but here are their names in no particular order, and a little about what makes them so special to me.

beth is a special young womyn who lives down the hall from me. she's probably my best friend here at college... i can tell her anything and she always has a shoulder for me to cry on or an ear to lend. she's one of the most kindest and most caring people in this world. there's nothing that she can't overcome, and nothing that she won't do for someone else. i love you beth! you're my best friend. i'll never forget you, and hope you never forget me... by the way, i'm still taking you to get your belly button pierced for your bday. p.s. HOT ASS!!!

Nik is a hot ass that i met fall quarter. he's always there when i need a laugh or a hug. Nik, i have one question for you..." are we really in love?"


a great guy to have around in any situation. i love you matthew, always remeber that. and you know if i was straight and you were straight, we'd be together. matthew is such a sweetie... and he's always there when i need him. for absolutly anything. he would give anyone the shirt off his back. go visit him at his madonna homepage


another really special womyn. she's awesome! she's going back to school after 12 years, and when i'm her age, i hope and pray that i'm as cool and as open minded as her. she's such a strong and caring person. i can't hide anything from her. she knows when something's wrong, and even before something's wrong. she's been through so much, and is probably the strongest person that i know. good luck tracy, and keep up the good work.  


this hot chick shares my love with tattoos and piercings. although she only has 1 tattoo... which i bought her for her b-day (we're gonna work on getting her more) she has numerous ear piercings and even her lip pierced. she also lives down the hall from me, and every once in awhile comes down here... to steal my hemlich toys... i know it's you jenn... i love you lots jenn. just hang in there, and everything will fall into place. don't be afraid to be who you are... we all love you and that's all that matters.  


sabrina's my girl. she shares my tattoo love, although she doesn't have as many as me... yet. she has 3 so far, and who knows how many more she'll get. she's in love with not only leonardo dicaprio, but also mark mcgwire. go figure... weird combo, i know. she just turned 21 and is a social work major here. sabby, you're a great friend. stay sweet and don't party too much!  

if i've missed anyone else... don't worry, you'll probably be up here soon!


 Me, Nik, and Beth

My Favorite Links

Some of My Favorite Quotes
Click here to go to My Life
My Phantom of the Opera page
My Piercing and Tattooing page
My Suicide Story
My Page on Cutting
Pics of my friends
Webrings that i belong to
Wright State University's Lambda Union
A local group for teens
Piercing Mildred - Where You Can Pierce WIthout The Pain
Student.com - A Great Place To Find Out About School
Tonys Online - A Link To Today's Broadway Shows
Flesh Canvas Online - A Great Tattoo And Piercing Site
Bluemountain Postcards - Send An Online Greeting
Body Modification Ezine
The Chathouse - A Great Place To Chat
Moviewavs.com - Find A Sound From Any Movie


