All About Me
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Welcome to Amanda's World



  well, where should i start? i was born... no, no that's the beginning of another story. anyway, i'm here and i'm a 19 female from ohio. things aren't really that great in my life, and basically this page is here for me to vent. so hopefully it will work.


this website has been here for a couple years now. with many pages added and then deleted. and i'm sure that there will be many more. but someone finally lite a fire under my ass and convinced that i should update... which i guess is a good idea every now and then... right?


i'm a sophomore at Wright State University here in Fairborn ( Dayton ) Ohio. i definitely have to say that college is a whole different world than high school and no one takes care of you here but you. which can be a good thing, but also a very bad one. it's taken me a whole year to realize this simple fact. but i think i finally have it through my thick head... i hope. things here are good. this quarter i'm taking, whatelse, GenEds... Woohoo!!!! can't wait till i'm into my major classes... which would actually require me declaring a major... right? well, i think it's gonna be Rehab, but who knows. it switches from that to Social Work quite frequently... and those few other "dreams" that i have.
My Favorite Links

Some of My Favorite Qotes
My Phantom of the Opera page
My Piercing and Tattooing page
My Suicide Story
My Page on Cutting
Pictures of friends
Webrings that i belong to
Wright State University's Lambda Union
A local group for teens
Hotmail - Free E-mail
Piercing Mildred - Where You Can Pierce WIthout The Pain - A Great Place To Find Out About School
Tonys Online - A Link To Today's Broadway Shows
Flesh Canvas Online - A Great Tattoo And Piercing Site
Bluemountain Postcards - Send An Online Greeting
Body Modification Ezine
The Chathouse - A Great Place To Chat - Find A Sound From Any Movie