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Pocket Pikachu

A site all about Pocket Pikachu

Well ive just returned from Vacation, and im currently building a new site, so you can download all types of pokemon things. So why dont you bookmark this page and return in a couple of days. Well I have had some time for some updates. I have heaps of visitors and emails, so if you have emailed me or signed the guest book please just wait for me to catch up. I am looking for someone to help my run this page, so if you know anything about Pocket Pikachu or Pokemon email me with your details

I seem to be getting emails WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE RELEASED. Pocket Pikachu is released!!!!. Yes it was released on November 3 1998. So it has been out for a while now. I am still trying to find out when it will be released in other countries. The cost will be about $17 at the cheapest to around $20.00, and should be availiable from all leading toy shops. I have been getting so many emails from people wanting to bye one, so i have set up a buy sell and exchange, so if you want to buy sell or exchange your Pocket Pikachu Click here or you can buy online..see link below. Click here for INSTRUCTIONS on how to use Pocket Pikachu

Pocket Pikachu is a small degital-pet game, which includes the function of a pedometer, has made a hit on the market in Japan, a very big one, since the release of Tamagotchi

Pocket Pikachu is only $17 at best buy and you can buy it online here...

This picture shows people queing to get hold of a Pocket Pikcahu

The body is in the shape of a game boy, colored yellow, following the one of Pikachu. You can make friend with him by giving him gifts, and see cute bearings of him on the small liquid crystal screen.

This shows you what a Pocket Pikachu Looks Like

The Pocket Pikachu was released by Nintendo on March 27 in Japan, which was in the news even before the release. Game shops and other different store which treated products of Pokemon, and a convenience chain store LAWSON had the ordering systems. Orders of the product poured in on them, and they were fully booked almost in a week in LAWSON, still having a number of inquiries. They resume orders on the day the games are put on the market, but they were sold out in the midnight of the day. Many of Pikachu fans are still seeking the route to get them.

As I mentioned above, the game has a function of pedometer. The more you walk, the better you can get on with Pikachu. According to the number of steps taken, you can save electricity, which would be givin to Pikachu. And, moreover, you can earn it much more if you play a slot machine, one of entertaining elements of the game. If Pikachu is tame to you, he makes cute gestures for you, such as playing blocks, riding a toy car, licking ice creams. And you can see his daily life through a day.

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Last update March 2000 at 9.09am

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