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RinoaHff8's Fanatic Realm

Quotes i Truly Admire

Rating of Quote
8.0 "To be the man, you got to beat the man." -Flair
8.5 "If u got a problem with me, you can either su*k it, or leave." -DX
7.0 "Once in a while, you must relax from your busy day of work, so you should relax by doing the 69 way."
9.0 "Life is a sport."
"Long live sport." -Adiddas
8.0 "If you don't like how things are going, you should just roll your eyes, turn it upside down, and stick a banana up your candy@$$!" -Da Rock
9.0 "Money is not life, damnit, life is a damn gift."
9.5 "A lot of people have problems with the violence in video games, and we for exmample, feel that it hasn't been realistic enough." -Tenka
10.0 "...And so it has been written, and come to pass, quote the raVen, neVermore." -raVen3:16