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~ Birthday Stuff ~

I share my birthday with; Nipsey Russell, Derrick Moore, Lady Margaret Thatcher, Paul Simon, Robert Lamm (Chicago,) John Ford Coley, Rob Schneider, Sammy Hagar, Chris Carter ("The X-Files,") Fidel Castro, Marie Osmond, Tisha Campbell-Martin, Nancy Kerrigan, Ashanti, Queen Jane Gray of England, Francesco Caracciolo (St. Caracciolini,) Molly Pitcher, King Ferdinand VII of Spain, Jerry Rice (49ers,) Lenny Bruce, Ray Brown & Nana Mouskouri.

10/13/239 B.C.; The Persian armies of Cyrus the Great captured Babylon.
10/13/0054; Roman emperor Claudius I died.
10/13/1066; William the Conqueror William landed in England (near Hastings,) with 5000 Norman knights, to meet Harold's Anglo-Saxon army.
10/13/1307 (Friday); The Knights Templar were rounded up for torture and execution by King Philip IV of France.
10/13/1399; Henry IV of England was crowned.
10/13/1582; This day was one of ten skipped to bring the calendar into sync by order of the Council of Trent.
10/13/1601; Tycho Brahe, astronomer, died in Prague.
10/13/1670; Virginia passed a law that blacks arriving in the colonies as Christians could not be used as slaves.
10/13/1775; The U.S. Navy had its origins as the Continental Congress ordered the construction of a naval fleet.
10/13/1776; Benedict Arnold was defeated at Lake Champlain.
10/13/1792; The "Old Farmer's Almanac" was 1st published. White House cornerstone laid by Masonic Ritual. The White House is surrounded by 13 approximately straight lines of avenues laid out in a pentagram.
10/13/1812; 1/4 Moon. At the Battle of Queenston Heights (in Niagara, where I moved in '86,) a Canadian & British army defeated the Americans who had tried to invade Canada. This was the 1st major land battle in the War of 1812. Isaac Brock, English general (conquered Detroit), died at 3:30pm in battle.
10/13/1843; B'nai B'rith founded in NYC.
10/13/1849; The California state constitution, which prohibited slavery, was signed in Monterey.
10/13/1854; The state of Texas ratified a state constitution.
10/13/1860; 1st US aerial photo was taken from a balloon over Boston.
10/13/1864; Maryland voters adopted a new constitution, including abolition of slavery.
10/13/1884; Greenwich was established as universal time meridian of longitude.
10/13/1903; Boston defeated Pittsburgh in baseball's 1st World Series.
10/13/1904; Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams" was published.
10/13/1913; The 16th amendment to the constitution was ratified & the modern income tax came into being.
10/13/1914; Garrett Morgan invented & patented the gas mask.
10/13/1917 (Friday); The 'Miracle of the Sun' at Fatima.
10/13/1923 (Friday); Angora (Ankara) became Turkey's capital.
10/13/1930; New German Reichstag opened with 107 Nazi Party members in uniform.
10/13/1941; Nazis killed 11,000 Jewish children and old people.
10/13/1942; In the 1st of 4 attacks, two Japanese battleships shelled Henderson field on Guadalcanal.
10/13/1943; Italy signed an armistice with the allies & declared war on Germany, its one-time Axis partner.
10/13/1947; "Kukla, Fran & Ollie" premiered.
10/13/1951; A football with a rubber covering was used for the first time (as Georgia Tech beat Louisiana State 25-7.)
10/13/1953; A burglar alarm using ultrasonic or radio waves patented by Samuel Bagno.
10/14/1958; My boyfriend's birthday.
10/13/1960; Castro's opponents executed in Cuba. The World Series ended on a home run for the first time.
10/13/1963; "Beatlemania" was coined after Beatles appeared at Palladium (their 1st appearance on a major TV show.)
10/13/1966; 173 U.S. airplanes bombed N. Vietnam.
10/13/1967 (Friday); I was born at 3:30pm in the Bermuda Triangle & sold on the black market. Yom Kippur. Fox Mulder's birthday on 'The X Files.' Walt Rostow informs LBJ of info that "removes doubt that 'Che' Guevara is dead." US order 11246 (Affirmative Action,) amended to cover discrimination on the basis of gender. 1st game of the new American Basketball Association was played.
10/12/1968; Hugh Jackman's birthday. (Note; my last name is Jackman.)
10/13/1969; Soyuz 8 launched.
10/13/1970; Janis Joplin's ashes were scattered off the coast of California.
10/13/1972; A Uruguay to Chile plane crashed in Andes Mountain. 12 of 23 were rescued as the rugby team ate crash victims to survive.
10/13/1974; Ed Sullivan dead at age 72.
10/13/1975; Neil Young underwent surgery on his vocal chords in Los Angeles CA.
10/13/1977; Four Palestinians hijacked an Lufthansa airliner to Somalia, demanding the release of members of the Red Army Faction.
10/13/1980; AC/DC's "Back in Black" went platinum.
10/13/1981; Full Moon. Egyptian voters participated in a referendum to elect V.P. Hosni Mubarak the new president, one week after the assassination of Anwar Sadat.
10/13/1983; 1/4 Moon. Space Shuttle Challenger, carrying seven (the largest crew to date,) landed safely at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
10/13/1985; 13th Space Shuttle Mission (Challenger 6) launched.
10/13/1987; The US Navy made the 1st military use of trained dolphins in the Persian Gulf.
10/13/1988; Cardinal Archbishop Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero forced to announce that the Shroud of Turin did not contain the image of Christ. Scientists at 3 leading universities carbon-dated samples to some time between 1260-1390.
10/13/1989; The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 190 points. US President George Bush called for an overthrow of the Panamanian ruler Manuel Antonio Noriega.
10/13/1990 (Friday); 1st Russian Orthodox service in 70 yrs was held in St Basil's Cathedral. Le Duc Tho (co-founder of Vietnamese Communist Party) died.
10/13/1992; A commercial flight record was set by an Air France supersonic jetliner for circling the Earth in 33 hours and one minute.
10/13/1995; Walt Disney World Resort admitted its 500-millionth guest.
10/13/1997; A British jet car driven by Andy Green of the RAF set a land speed record of 764.168mph.
10/13/1998; 3/4 Moon. Nancy Fowler spoke her last of 7 years of messages from Mary, the mother of Jesus, to a crowd of over 100,000 pilgrims. For the 1st time in its 51 year history, the NBA suspended the first 2 weeks of the season after collective bargaining talks broke off. Eric Robert Rudolph was reported to be linked to the '96 Olympics bombing. NATO authorized air strikes if Milosevic does no comply with UN demands.
10/13/1999; Pres. Clinton proposed to place 40 million acres of federal forest beyond the reach of loggers, miners & road-builders. The US Senate rejected the ratification of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban treaty. The JonBenet Ramsey grand jury was dismissed after 13 months. In Colombia drug police arrested 30 cocaine traffickers including Medellin cartel leader Fabio Ochoa & reputed distribution boss Alejandro Bernal-Madrigal. France legalized same sex unions under legislation called "civil solidarity pacts."
10/13/2000 (Friday); Full Moon. My 33rd bday (3:30pm.) Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Pres. Kim Dae Jung of S. Korea for his efforts to make peace with N. Korea.
1/13/2001; (9 months before my birthday) Dream--A tree'd grown over a rope. Someone was with me.
10/12/2001; Out with a friend I found a willow that'd grown over a chain. Recent feelings about finding something at a 2nd hand bookstore.
10/13/2001; 34th bday. Got a strangely familiar book from 2nd hand bookstore in Toronto. Anthrax was confirmed in Florida, Nevada & NY. In London an estimated 20,000 people marched against the military strikes in Afghanistan.
1/13/2002; (9 months before my birthday, again.) New Moon. Blindly stumbled upon online; 'I closed the shop on a friday night and we headed for Hopkins Tomb in Pt. Colborne Ont. (Note; my hometown at the time.) The tomb is in Oakwood Cemetary on Lakeshore Rd. Samuel Hopkins died at 77 on Oct. 12,1899 (1/4 Moon.) The tomb is said to be cursed.'
10/13/2002; 1/4 Moon. Horace Logan (producer) & Stephen Ambrose (historian) both die in New Orleans. 10 died of hypothermia in Moscow, bringing the death toll to 32.
10/13/2006; U.S. President G.W. Bush commemorates Columbus Day.

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