Chatlines Out of Context
*Gets bored again and pulls out a ball of silly putty, and starts playing with it while standing on his head on a table in the middle of the room*
*appropriate entrance music ensues* Bow-a-chik-achika bow-wow-wowwww...*G*
Alexandaer Stone
~returns to his seat and ponders the ancient tradition of throwing peanuts at arrogant fools~
Not only will we have horseless carriages, we'll have a huge network of really glitchy crystal balls that makes them obsolete, Kainja.
You know what I hate? When someone comes into a room and purposely picks on me!! I feel as if they FORCE me to hurt them!!
Aria d'Orleans
Sporting eau de garbage cologne and the iq of a three toed sloth doesn't count as being offensive, Revel.
Arty Litefoot
WWHHOO HHOO!!*hick* *comes running in totaly toasted up something on his head that looks to be panties blocking his view he runs strait into a wall and blacks out*
*is feeling the funky flow*
*croons* you are his cheeseburger, his lovely cheeseburger.. he'll wait for you.. yeah.. he'll wait for you...
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
*sings* CEBU!!! this is a song about a little boy... this is a song about a little boy and his cebu.. a little boy who had a sick cebu, a sad cebu, and a mute cebu... oh, and also a hippo.
AAAHHHH!!! COMMIE JAPS!!!! *decides to dive for cover instead of using his penis as a deflector*
That reminds me of a story...a story of a gay frog named bill...gather round and I shall tell my tale
*pulls out some wire glasses with the lenses poped out* dude....who wantss ta buy ssome Actual Reality Glasssesz?
As it turns out Im not actually gay, but very very british
*nods a greeting to Death*
*talking to no one* remeber what i said let me do the talking but you did all the talking last time well i dont care just shut up.
*Wonders whether to blush or take offense at A360's gesture*
~shrugs~ "I am happy...but not homosexual."
*Thinks Raven shouldn't be telling someone to be serious, when Raven's barely serious herself, but will keep her opinion to herself.*
*lol @ wolfe and Ubi* voyuers, my foot...y'all are just plain amusing.
Lucky wretch she is....
*starts to snicker evilly* heh.. heheheh.. hehehehehehehehe... *blinks* uhm, sorry...must've been the neon gummy worms and the Venezuelan food...
*noddles as sagely as a headless Podling on Ritalin can* yesh yesh
Cupid De Lock
I'm not weird...I'm just gifted...
Well let's just hope this one goes better than last time. *Gestures to the small penguin*
Look at the the cucmber...isent he a lovely cucumber...doent he dance dance dance..yea...
Darc Fyre
~Winces as he is now on the floor with a 8 foot monster on him.~ Ouch.
Darkness just left for Shadows.
SHadowspawn I have two blue eyes *Points to the eyes in their socket* and a brown eye, do you
want to see my brown eye?
*Hiccups roughly* Are there any ladies in that dig drunk men with large..hic...swords.
Domi 83
I would say pond scum...but algae is too cute to insult like that.
Even scum walks around him to avoid getting their shoes dirty.
Remember..If you can't be least use handcuffs.
*wonders why her sanity hasn't come home yet.*
Dr Da Vaddo
Oh let Tox have fun...whats a scorpion between friends anyway...
YOu aren't allowed to pinch my cheeks!!!! err....*perverted chuckle* which cheeks did you pinch btw??
*glares at Ninja* been keeping secrets from me?? You better not be a chick....
*Drekken pulls out his accordian and ties a leash to Night Demon* He places a tin cup in Demon's hand and a fez on top of his head* Now your my monkey.. Look everyone at the dancing Freak!!!
Dyers Eve
*looks at SD, smiles and takes out a 45* Ho Ho Ho there little boy, put down the gun or Santa will bust a cap in your jolly @ss!
*walks up to SD and wiggles his nose, with a twinkle in his eye, he snatches the gun and kicks Sd square in the nuts* Merry Christmas
Oh lord isnt this pleasant. a crowded room of people who like killing other people and not a bottle of prozac or midol in sight.
*chuckles* accept a bottle of antiseptic from a guy named vex...isnt that just a little odd...
Lemme get this straight, A guy named TWINKIE set up the security systems here?
Emperor Scorpion
^^unsheaths his battle spork^^ don't mess with me!!!
^^grabs demon's eyebrows with his claws and moves them making demon do funny eyebrow things^^ hehehe
Fairy Dragon
Don't make me fry your feathers off dumb cluck...or are you forgetting I am a know..we breathe fire and such stuff...
Genetic altering be damned!!! Give me my seeds!!!
Hey!! Spike grew a bit!!! he's soooooooo cute!!! Cute cute cute!!! My cute Spike!
How is it you aren't coming to my defense on this newt issue??
Men fall over themselves to talk to me...of course they are drunk at the time but you know...
Tell that Xerox person to stop calling me a newt!!
What self respecting guy would call hmself a Fairy you idiot!! I'm a GIRL!!
You have been transformed into the newer hipper...East Villagey type of Vlad...
Yo!! Painters in da house!!!
Better my fae dragon arse!!! I'm the fricking Bard!!!!
*Dresses up a slightly moldy sperm whale foetus in a seal outfit, hands it to Darc*
*Lazily slams a magnificent cross-court smash, arty the bal, his famed ribber turnip the.. uh.. hitty thing (RACKET!)*
*nods, noticing that he did miss. tosses an orange so overripe it look like a tennis ball straight up. Smashes it heavily with the turnip, splattering the smelly, pustulating remains across the ments (and arty) in a wide arc of putrescense*
SOUTHPARK cres it the funniest thing since peewee herman got caught*S*
*Finishes another beer with relish*
Firebrand Z
Who ever said that I was appealing?
*sighs in compassion and throws an arm around Kajin, speaking with Homer-esque philosophy* You know what they say boy, you always kill the ones you love. But you know what ~I~ say; better them than you. *pats him assuredly on the head*
*pensive pause*......scum....boy....?
Oh, well now everything makes PERFECT sense. *throws away the Book of Logic*
Flaire Staar
*nods vaguely at crescent*ergh, i would sign off but i have nothing better to do than explore time dilation.
looks for a dictionary to look up 'hot monkey lovin', being ignorant of what such a thing could mean.
he nods at kainja "i doubt all the special knowledge in the world could save a scholar from an invading hoarde of axe wielding barbarians, eh?"
flaire gets lost mentally recursing through a binary tree and goes catatonic (yes, again).
My mind is already messed up on my pain meds!
Now he's going to play with it! Geez, There's a scary picture!
So, Nameless Evil, is that your name or what?
You never told me it was your turtle! You just said your 'spike' was 'growing.'
Glitter Boy
*Begins to creep up on Lady Leigh, silently stalking the hashbrowns*
"Oooh Baby! is right."
"Well, yeah...not alot of guys look good in skirts...I've seen some who have the legs for it though..."
Grey Mage
((Sorry my key board is all messed uped,so me post may not make any snese. ))
Raven, is your icon a head of cabbage?
Herald Talia
*munches on bagels (the non-explosive kind)*
Het N'kik
But now, the mighty Het N'kik, intergalactic janitor extraordinaire, has returned! Ready to right wrongs, and mop floors! *strikes a heroic pose, a la the Ginyu force, bringing himself up to his full height of about four feet tall, before cracking up at himself*
*points and snickers at Noc, but then whirls around into a defense position and looks around frantically, so as to avoid another sneak attack by the wedgie patrol*
*folds his arms* I'll have you know that that is simply not possible. I have no dignity, so there...Wait, no...What was I trying to say? *shakes his head*
Hmm? Oh, don't worry about it, didn't scare me...None can scare the Mighty...*pauses, the after-effects of slamming his head on the floor now hitting him* *scratches his head* How did that go again?
*slips into stealth mode, and sneaks off momentarilly, all sneaky-like*
This controls Twinkie's various security and maintenance devices. *blinks, and holds the remote out to flairey* You should be fine, as long as you don't hit the red buttons. *what he doesn't seem to notice, is that 2/3's of the buttons are red*
At least you're conscious 24 hours a...*trails off as he slips into a comatose state, tumbling off his cart*
*Thinks that it musta hurt for korax to dive straight into stone*
il sogno tries to stop the bleeding and decides not to flirt again!!!
Knights of Shadownia require no herbage to weird out. It's merely dressing on the salad of life.
strangely, I have no difficulty in picturing you having weird thoughts.
tis few other than myself who detect the siren call of chicken fingers.
is deeply hurt by her calling him silly. "I am deeply hurt," he says. "I was endevouring to wax philosophically about the existential nature of chicken fingers and here you call my theoretical exercise in crisp logic 'silly.'"
(even in pouncing, Kainja would NEVER spill a frosty)
frowns. "uhm, are folks bidding on leigh? she's at 1.59? I would have though flaire would uv put up a twenty or so."
hops in the car with her even though it isn't raining and there is no car.
*Feels like an idiot for running from a marshmallow*
*Is running out of perverse jokes*
*Thinks "if shes wearing somthing...its too much"*
I'm not mean to anyone...with the exception of some individuals
Well the fly is work here is done
With all the poise of the sexual animal that he is, Korax strides across the room, stalking the elusive his foot!
Hopes Het's holding the remote to a robotic, beer-serving cabana boy.
Lady Gabrielle
Okay..this is turning into a freak show..I can imagine it now.. "And on your left there is Ravenmyst, the snot blowing cool person. To your right you will see Creiddylad, the tailbone chasing workout dude (dudette...)" *G*
*goes into a dark corner and starts singing a pointless song.."This is the song that gets on everybody's nerves,this is a song that gets on everybody's nerves...."*
Sorry to burst your (snot) bubble but you had a boog hangin out your nose.
Lady Maltrasea
*looks at creiddy and tweet*uhuh you guys are mean I am calling the smurf abuse hotline on you guys
*wonders how you could idly puke!**L*
Lady Rowan
I thought maybe it'd make you put some clothes on...
Mime indeed!
Lapis Kelinia
*she grins and snaps her jaws at Derringer* Antique? I am not old.. *she looks to Revel* am I? Am I antique?
is that telsha, or........Sharon Stone?
then take me....and put an end to this Mexican standoff....
Ravenmyst, you have to admit the idea can be pretty promising when applied to employees of Congress...
Magus Lytol
It's me, I just got sick of being call wiz. *looks around quickly* anyone calls me that and I'll hit you with a lightning bolt!
I'm miraxy, of the McCult of the Freakish Children
*is hungary*
see...he is just a big couch...
ummm...those are Old senile Smurf and Crack Whore smurf...
*Idly notes he has never played a passed up for the role of Joan of Ark...not enough clevege they said...then he shudders* Ill show them...hehehe...I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!!!
Night Demon
*idly wonders why Drekken wants to spank him...since his name isn't "Drekken's monkey"*
One-Eye McGurk
Unexpectedly, One-Eye McGurk winks into existence.
*Walks in, sits down, gets up, walks out* pins? I would never pierce my antennae...
*Stretches and turns his head towards Doug* What am I? A fae dragon...but don't let my looks deceive yeh! I can make a vicious cutthroat!
last night was my last night on nights...
Phil the Herring
*points his plasma cudgel at Crystal Zynn* CEASE YOUR TOXIC ANTICS, OH PURVEYOR OF SATAN'S MUCOUS! REPENT OR THE PUDDING GODS SHALL SMITE THEEE DO-hey. a quarter.. *wanders off*
*smiles* oh you poor heart bleeds purple piss for you Revel. *laughs*
*grumbles*..french eh? *mentally notes something* must identify that as a weakness and compensate..not necessarily change the behavior..but make sure you can always cover yer ass!
Eh? EoD? What is that...eerie old dingbats?
*Chokes a bit.* Cat...has clawpoint....Demanding food....Must BRB. (For god sakes, someone call the SPCA!!!)
('Cuz yer a LIBRA, dammit! Act like one! *LOL*)
Das right...*Is suddenly dressed like "Huggy Bear."*
*Doesn't stop the insanity. It's her trademark.*
*Idly thinks the word "seriousness" shouldn't be coming from someone w/Groucho Marx as their icon.*
*Idly waits for Darc's head to pop open like an overripe melon & paint the 'ments an interesting shade called "Hint of Brain."*
*Takes the wave as a "Sure. I'll have a unibrow, too," and makes her move.*
You asked for it, you drunken fae albino tart!
*Puts on a clown suit and summons a monkey, idly wondering what dance it is she does, and why she should do it for someone burying their face in a pillow. Looks damned entertaining, though.*
Hey! Did you call me a "Lady?" Them's fightin' words!
Your appreciation for my dementia's reward enough, deckard.
I've been better, Dargon, but I've been worse, too. Guess that works out to somewhere in the "okay" area. *Idly thinks this post could have been MUCH shorter.*
Farewell, Vladdie. *hug* Don't be a stranger...Or don't GET any stranger, or something...*Stix her tongue out @ Scooby Doo.*
*Idly wonders why all the good ones are taken. Then turns her thoughts to where the bad ones might be hanging out.*
Yo totally do be doh. Um...yes. *blink blink*
*Idly slips frilly pink panties on noc 'n pulls 'em WAAAAAAAAY up.* Hee hee! *skips away*
*LOL @ the idea of pro-lifers lighting themselves on fire for any reason.* How ironic...
If ravens can have eyebrows, enchanted swords can be named "Bob." *Nods sagely & drinks.*
(Decided to be a short character so that I'd probably be often underestimated & overlooked. I mean, you see big people doing their big things all the time, but no one notices the midget over there 'til it's too late.)
Remy Darkscion
Ack....*figures he should do some sort of intro or something to make a half-hearted attempt at being life-like...* *cough* nkay here goes....*In strides the man of his mid 30s, jaw set and eyes shining. Silver hair cascades around his shoulders, bare except for a simple silver chain around his neck. Otherwise clad in baggy black plants and steel-toed boots that come up mid-shin, he looks absolutely smahshing as walks the catwalk...*cough* *choke* ergh...boy did I go the wrong way with that...
Femy? Who's femy? I may be spirited, but I ain't femme...*bats his eyelashes and strikes a Marilyn Monroe pose* (egad, I almost said Marily Manson pose)
*gets out his ping pong paddle and spanks Vlad hard on the butt* That's fer...erm...well, no reason, I just felt like doing that! *lol*
murmurs. "Eff you see, kay eye en, um....em oh you ess ee."
murmurs to himself. "note to self, eat only my own cooking when I'm around here."
raises an eyebrow at being addressed as...Wevel.
"You mean, sylver, the more weed and rum you have the more sense it makes?"
Yeah, stop breeding, dammit!
*pulls out a pistol and goes to blow his brains out, realizes he's already dead, and sighs, tossing the firearm away*
*sings quietly* "It's the burden in my hand...there she goes...out in the sunshine, sun is mine, sun is mine...I shot my love today...won't you cry for me...I lost my head again...won't you lie for me..."
*shivers* makes ME wanna be a lesbian...*lol*
Savage Dragon
Hey now normal CPR doesn't come with tongue but I love your version!!!!
*Gives Ubi back a look o', "No you big poopie head."*
"Goneroonies?" Sounds like something that can be sexually transmitted.
Random Thought: I think that God likes muslims because they have nifty hats.
*The Bat playfully throws Napalm at Savage*
"My damn comp?" Is that some german code?
Indeed, Rave. As a long-standing Legionare you should know the perplexities of "spoon," its non-ending maze of mystery, its brightly shininess that reflects our visages. Look! I can make funny faces in it!
Myz, men are scum. Trust me, I am one of them. Well, actually I am a shaktakhr masculinoid but same thing...kinda.
*the Bat, knowing his duty, slams a funnel in Mal's mouth and gingerly begins poiuring fvvf down it*
Sex is like a hot tub of water. Once you get used to it, it ain't so hot anymore.
*looks as Starfyre appears out of nowhere and falls off his chair... he then scratches his head as he never remembered sitting down*
Sir Killroy
Himself being exhausted, meanders over to the door and trudges throught the goo that is Alioth on the way for good measure. "heh...Get thineself together."
Subfreeze 1
I hurt my feelings.*sniffs*
*sheds a tear for the dead, thinking that it's a waste of moisture, not saying that Damia is a waste or anything like that towards her or anything*
*Smacks his lips, furrows his brow, shakes his head* Weed and rum. Th'more I think about it, the more it makes sense...
*laughs at Ravenmyst's lechery until a tribble crawls out his @$$*
*pokes his head back in, dodges the big ol' carp* Now THAT is one Newbie who has been specifically targeted as a primary objective in the upcoming Newbie GihadŽ! (brought to you by nabisco foods)
"your trust in organized religion will be shattered today when jesus crawls off the cross and proceeds to beat you over the head with an empty gin bottle, screaming "DISCO IS NOT DEAD!""
back off. I want a shot at revel's sweet @$$ meself. *Giggles*
Then Join us, Blackie.. it'd be good t'have a lil' scaly body as a dickmitten.
Terra Cotta
*throws an exploding dog at Blackscale*
Blackscale, what is with you and robotic dogs?
waves absently to Happyelf. "May the forces of evil be unable to figure out your doorbell."
~shakes his head~ dun bother, I'll be forced to enter in so much grander manner... let's just slouch about like the slobs we all know we are.
The Paladin-Vlad
Awww crap... Fine.. *stands lets others have fun at his expense*
*Chuckles at Shadowbat* Oh, I had expected to be coated in organic matter by this point...
Freaks...all of you...
*hugs Ravenmyst and gets pelted by eggplant*
*shakes his head* What the hell am I saying?
Wow...the room just collectivly kicked my arse
Free shots? *Quicky stands behind a chair*
I'm trapped in a room full of aldults who are talking about S&M with ugly monsters with horns....ALRIGHT!!!!
theUndertaker smiles insanely with happiness, points his nose in the air and does a little Snoopy Happy Dance!
*puts the headphones on tygger-b*.. i need another victim volunteer to make sure my theory works.
Tora curses his Doubling Gremlin, who's real name is America Online, to the Public Urinal in the Un-Air-Conditioned Bathroom of the Back Hallway of the Eighth Pit of the Really Bad Part of Hell.
Hey clorox...where are you???
*snorts as ninja grabs his "waste"* don't get that anywhere near me...
booty?...whats that?
Uyu are the man!
Thinks about thinking but drifts off into deep thought.
Vampire HunterD
I do not believe you will find a spatula here, but it seems shadowbat just coughed up a spoon. perhaps that will suffice in place of a spatula?
So if people in noir are noirians, then what are you? Mentos?
Your typos made that almost obscene!
White Ninja
I'm a mind reader, and might I say that yours was pretty light reading!
I think that the Catholic system is all based on hat sizes: Priests have no hats, Cardinal have little hats, and the Pope has huge hats!!! I bet when you get to heaven God is wearing a huge sequined sombrero!!!
I'm not an English major, I'm a double computer you'd better be expecting software of the future to be poorly worded. :)
Ummm...{insert joke about your grandmother here}
Do I have any buyers of this wonderful new invention! In this box I have instant alcohol (just add vodka!) What would you give for this priceless invention? $90? $100? Well, for a limited time you too can buy this pitcher...err, instant alcohol jug for a mere $39.95!!!
Is there anything wrong with beer commercials targetting minors? Heck we've all had too many beers and started targeting minors...Ummm...forget I said that! *LOL*
Why, look! It's Drekken, the spankmaster himself! *L*
should try two and three at the same time....that's really fun.
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