Click for horror writer Richard Lee's site.
SciFan: This is a great site that lists books and website links for readers and writers of science fiction and fantasy. Cold in the Light is listed here too.
Terror Tales Online: A great place to link to talk about horror and all things terrible.
The Invisible College Press: This is the site of a relatively small press on the web that I'm particularly fond of. If you click on Cold in the Light I think you might see why. This is my first paperback novel and it's in print as of now. I'm very excited, as you might be able to tell. The first address listed here is the general one for the press. The second is my page on the site. The book is also available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, and
Fictionwise: You can find an ebook by me called "Death Turned Away"at this site. This is not so much a book as a "short story." I wrote it quite a while ago (years), but it is still one of my favorites among my own stories. I think it just costs about 65 cents. Two other of my short stories have also been turned to ebooks at this site. They are: "The Road to Hell," another horror story, and "A Stained Honor," one of the earliest stories I ever wrote and which is, I think, not nearly as good as the other two.
PlanetDoom: For some reason I've never been able to get my website listed on search engines such as Yahoo and Google, but I did get it listed at PlanetDoom, and you can rate my page there if you're of a mind to.
Lance Storm: Lance Storm is a professional wrestler and a reader who loves to discuss writers and books on his site. He invites participation from his website visitors and gives recommendations on books that he has read. I like his taste in books, and not just because he recommended "Cold in the Light."
REHupa: This is the Robert E. Howard United Press Association, a group of fans and scholars interested in the work and life of Robert E. Howard, the pulp writer from the 20s and 30s who is best known for creating Conan. I'm a member of REHupa and can't say enough about their good work in keeping Robert E. Howard's memory and writings alive.
SFPA: This is the homepage of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, of which I am a member. There is not a lot of support for SF, Fantasy,and Horror poetry in the USA, but this is one group that is doing everything they can to change that.
Alexandria Digital Literature: This is a site on the web where you can purchase both popular and esoteric fiction from a variety of authors, including myself.
Brutal Dreamer: Here's a cool poetry page that I can recommend. Check it out.
Charles Nuetzel: This is the homepage of a good friend of mine and a writer of such fine novels as Swordmen of Vistar and Warriors of Noomas. If you like the writing of Edgar Rice Burroughs, then you'll like the novels of this gentleman. Treat yourself. And check out his homepage. Plus, if you act now, you'll find an interview I did with Charles.
Sidney Williams: This is a good friend and the author of nearly a dozen novels of terror. Check out his page and see his links. And read his books. Good stuff that I can't recommend highly enough.
James Reasoner: This is the homepage of James and Livia Reasoner. I've not met Livia but I know James pretty well through our mutual membership in REHupa, and from having chatted with him a number of times in Cross Plains, Texas. He's a fine writer and right now is doing a series of Civil War Novels that are excellent. Give him a read.
JWNURSE: The home page of a charming young lady who is most mysterious and interesting to chat with. I first met her on The Gathering, which is a chat site. A good friend.
Reeny: Here's another lovely and peaceful place to visit, with fantastic pictures and music. Reeny is a talented writer and you should treat yourself to the samples of her work. Enjoy.
Raven's Nest: Ravenmyst is a Gathering(ite), meaning I first met her on a chat called The Gathering (see chat links below). She's a great friend. Beautiful, and very open in expressing her thoughts and feelings in her prose and poetry. And she's a fine artist as well. Buy some of her art. It'll be worth real money one of these days. Enjoy.
Insect's Lair: Yet another Gathering(ite), though I hardly see her anymore. Still, check out her site. It's passing strange.
Where Darkness Dwells: Here's one of the..."darker" places on the net. I also met Darkness on The Gathering. And occassionally will run into her on Shards (also see below). She's a good friend, with an interesting take on the world.
The Gathering Chat: Chat place.
Shards: This is another chat place, similiar to The Gathering but better. The Gathering is where I started, but if I chat these days I chat on Shards as either Kainja or Revel.