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GeoAlaska: Acting, Directing, Theory, Shows, Books
GeoAlaska: Theatre & Film

Ethiopia: History & Cultures
Old HS WWW: Haile Sellassie Family Web * H.I.M. Web-Biography: from Sellassie WWW pages * R&R: Rasta & Reggae, Rastafarianism, Texts, Links, News * HISTORY: History pages from Sellassie Family Web * FAMILY: Origins, Members, Generations, Tree, photos * Ethiop Village: Books, Music, Art, Gifts * References: Sellassie WWW sites * DIRECTORIES: Listing from all Sellassie sites *

New 1999 Ethiopian Links

2004: updates!
This page is for fresh (not sorted) links. When I have time, I move them to subject pages. When you send your link, please indicate which our page do you what for your link. You can do it yourself, too. My recommendation -- go for Open Directory or our Ethiop Village.

If you are a webmaster (how else could you have your webpage), you know that it takes time to maintain the site. At first you try to put as many links as possible, but soon you understand what "dead links" mean. I learned my lessons and I do not link anymore to new sites; I check the counter. If the site is being around for a while, the people behind it keep it in working conditions. I try to apply the same rule to myself, of course. Our new sites I do not submit for months.


Front Page

New Links: Now I use Open directory (Netscape), Suite101-Ethiopia and Ethiop Village for links. I became an editor for several categories; "links" are public property, they do not have to be on privite websites.

Do you have Ethiopian Website?
The Suite101 logo (or our Haile Sellassie WWW banner) may be placed on any web site that is listed in any topic's Favorite Links list at Ethiopia Suite101.com Visit http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/Ethiopia

The Crown Council of Ethiopia
Ethiopian Airlines FunSafaris Ethiopia Virtual Tourist Tourism

From Mike from Vtech Blackburg: Ethiopia

e-Books from Amazon!


Also see another new page: Contacts

Ethiop Village Classifieds: Post Your Own for Free!

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