This was forwarded to me from a CTY friend, I sent it along to all my other CTY friends. If I'm going to participate in chain letters, I'm at least going to participate in the ones that mean something to me.

The Place

It seems like the less atached I tried to be,
The more atached I became.
I would give most anything to be back there.
Back where age, looks, and clothes don't matter,
And personality is most important.

Three short weeks equal to two years on the outside.
As much fun squeezed into them as possible.
Better friends then ever,
More interesting people than I knew there would be.

The place where I spent my summer.
Where I laughed and cried and learned.
Where strangers become best friends,
And best friends become pen pals.
Where lessons are taught in the classroom,
And more are taught out.

Long ago and far away,
But not too ago to remember,
And not too far away to visit.
Someday I hope to go back,
But if I do go back,
It will not be the same.
There will not be my friends,
My room will not be full of life,
The party will be long over.
Yet the memories will continue
In that place so different from here.

I loved that place,
I miss that place.
I loved the people, the lessons, and the freedom.
I miss the people, the lessons, and the freedom,
But I will always have the memories.

This one I wrote myself, after coming back from CTY '97, where I took Psych.

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Yesterday, something happened,
I know not what,
And I almost cried
Out, almost called
Out, almost said
Out loud,
"I want to go home!"
But in the silent space of my head
Another voice, cold and emotionless, said
"This is your home."
It must have been the super-ego.
But still, the id would have yelled,
Giving voice to my anguish.

Though the ego pulled them beneath the conscious surface,
They battled on, I know,
For I held back tears
As I walked
(And my heart stumbled)
To play Pie.

What is a friend?
One soul dwelling in two bodies.

You can says that about CTY, I think. When we are there, we are so many bodies, but pretty much only one soul.

Sometimes you have to grow farther apart to keep growing together.

We are far apart, and yet, I know I feel a lot closer to friends from CTY than friends from here (home).

Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end but somewhere in the middle we've become the best of friends.

I think that sums up CTY extremely well. That's exactly how it is..

If anyone has anything else that just sort of fits for CTY, send it along, I'd appreciate it.
