This is one of many things I've discussed today... So, who wants to be in my movie?
Liss: right.. we'll have some guys wrapped in tinfoil, with signs on their backs
saying 'astronauts' and they'll be on a black stage, and periodically we'll have
them say 'we're floating in space *crackle*'
Moosechees: hey.. that sounds like it could be a pretty cool movie liss
Genesis: *grin* why have a stage? let's all sit in dark rooms and run our own
movies through our heads.
(Doc): liss... that is pretty much good enough if your brain is in gear. Good
drama is about suspension of dispeliefe.
Moosechees: every once in a while they could say "Oh no.. we are being sucked
into a whirly space thing."
Liss: and then we'll have another guy come in, wrapped in bubble wrap, and he
can be a space monster
Liss: and bubble wrap will say 'I'm highly evolved, I don't have to float in
Liss: and the tinfoil dudes will say 'we're floating in space *crackle* An
Liss: and then a disembodied voice will say 'This is huston. we need a full
report before you continue floating in space *crackle*'
Liss: and bubble wrap says 'hey, you guys want to learn how to get energy from
water, like they did in 'The Saint''
Liss: and the tinfoil dudes say 'Hold on, we've got to fill out this report'
Moosechees: but then the bubble wrap guy eats their brains
Karin: I think you have something, Liss :)
The mud falls silent as Liss pores over her screenplay.
Liss: And after several days of report making by the tinfoil men, bubble wrap
gets bored and leaves.
Moosechees: and comes back to earth disguised as the 2 astronauts
Liss: and the advancement of human society is forever retarded by meaningless
Liss: the end