
This is the most absolutely bloody interesting lab I have ever, ever done. We boiled water. Now we put the water into a tin can, and the can into a bigger can. We check the thermal couple reading every two minutes.

Basically, we are seeing how fast the water cools off. This class is an absolute joy!

I wrote Rose last week, but I haven't sent it. Probably should. You know, lunch is next, and the sun is up. The teacher suggests that if we are bored, we could study for the final, or the quiz we will have tomorrow. Right. No way am I taking the final.

I had a thought last night. 11:30, I could fall asleep, so of course my mind was going. Anyway,

Heaven - infinitely high
Hell - infinitely low
Space - curved
Heaven & Hell - in the same place
Assuming, of course, that there is such a thing. It is just completely psychological. Everything.

I have a theory. It must be a good theory, because everyone I've told it to laughs and then says I'm probably rtight. I think that loud, radio static type music will just get louder as time goes by. Eventually all the people who listen to it will go deaf, and then they'll just start watching those Japanese videos that cause seizures.

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