
One thing I can not understand is why the cheerleaders and co. in my World History class like country. Like, they prefer to listen to country, over top forty muzak. It is terrible. If there is a hell, I bet the play country there. I have never heard a country song I liked. I don't even listen to the radio anymore, except when I am really sick of my own music.

Schmoikly, I am so hungry. I had four popovers and a glass of milk for breakfast. I didn't have any lunch. I have a distressing habit of forgetting lunch exists until right before lunch and then I am at school and without food or money. So I'm a pretty accomplished mooch. I spent lunch today in the library, though, reading email. Not that I get any from people who've visited my webpage - but I have plenty of other friends who love me! Really! I do!

So much is lost when words are just words, and have no tone of voice.

I'm waiting at Soldotna El, hoping to be picked up, which probably won't happen for another 20 minutes. At sixteen, sad though it may be, I have neither liscense nor car. I have a cold though, which I would gladly be rid of.

You cannot see, of course, but I am writing this on a piece of graph paper. 'Tis all covered with little blue boxes, doncha know? I wish I hadn't left my book in the car! I haven't got anything to do, except maybe I could play tic-tac-toe with myself. Oh yeah, I am so entertaining.

I really would like to go to sleep (do I say that often or what?) but then I wouldn't see my mom's car when she *did* come. Wow, a whole five minutes since I looked at the clock. (In my great wisdom, I also lack a watch.)

I know, how about I look at an outdated elementary school Social Studies textbook? New 1990. Hmm. And I remember when 1990 when up to date! That was when I was in third grade.

Wow, this book is in better shape than my World History book. I guess World History doesn't get outdated? It ain't a book for big kids, either. "In the Soviet Union both collective and state farms produce according to the government's plan. Above, Ukranian farmers work in the field. How many are shown in the picture?" The farmers are all ladies. Wanna know something sad? I counted them. There are eleven.

16:10. Any time now, Mom.

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