3.29.99 I have some serious typing I need to do. Tomorrow though -- tonight it is far too late. The sky outside, though it is cloudy, is not completely dark. It is 11:39 PM and twilight. Very odd. Maybe the clouds are thin and the moon is bright. This Kosovo stuff is really crappy, I'm adding it to my list of things I need to get some straight facts on. They interviewed a woman in Belgrade on NPR this morning. She sounded -- throughout the entire interview -- like she was on the verge of tears. I know, because not only was I listening to her voice, I have attempted to make serious conversation about a subject that I was on the verge of tears about, and that was how I sounded. Only I broke down and started sobbing, and she didn't, though the stuff she was talking about was surely more life shattering than my own problem. I mean, people are fricking DYING over there, and everyone is watching it on their tellies. So, I just want to learn something more about the situation. I am not a terribly emotional person -- I have great inertia and I don't get unhappy-upset very often. Even now, I am not feeling upset feelings. Last year my grandfather died, a couple of weeks ago my great-grandfather left this world. No tears. But, I've never seen anything die, beyond bugs and the occasional bird or mouse the cats got. And on the telly, but that is not personal, and is another issue. For the people in Kosovo, death is up close and personal, living next door, or in the bedroom across the hall. And I don't think the death they are meeting is pretty either. |