
Today I made up a new word. Actually, it wasn't just me and it wasn't the only word I made up. It was just one of the two that were pronouncable. 'Nerdeel.' Isn't that a great word?

I was at Youth Court and my client didn't show up, so my cocouncil and I were playing Scrabble on the KPYC computer. At first I was playing the computer (it came up with the word 'slut,' much to my surprise) but then Karli got tired of stalking around and wanted to play too.

Regular words were too boring so we made up some new ones, including nerdeel and 'mynq,' which is a unique way to spell 'mink.' There's probably someone out there with Mynq for their screen name though, so we can't claim to be the first to think of it.

We made up a definition for nerdeel too. A nerdeel is a baby nerd, but it can also be a a really, really, really oddly shaped Nerd candy.

After that we started making really strange combinations of letters -- you couldn't call them words, really, because you couldn't pronouce them unless you added about 5 vowels -- mainly to get points. I filled in one whole side of the board and managed to have two triple word scores as well as the Q, the X and maybe the Z. I highly recommend computer scrabble for anyone who has a good sense of humor and a similarly minded companion. Just keep telling the game that the 'words' are OK.

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