5.2.99 Today I downloaded the very latest version of netscape. It doesn't even call itself 'nestcape' anymore. Nope, it is the 'netscape communicator' and when I first opened it, it wanted to know my name. I just had a thought... Will my new browser stalk me? It has my name and my email address! Oh no!
Just when you thought you were safe, just when you thought you were free...However, I wouldn't mind too much if it did because a) what could it really do to me? and b) it admits that angelfire is a working server, so I must love it. See, the reason I got pissed off at netscape 3 and downloaded netscape 4.51 is that net3 decided, on thursday past, that angelfire was down. http://email.angelfire.com was fine, but https://www.angelfire.com/anything/ it could not handle. So I don't love that version of netscape anymore! Now I can get back to working on my latest project, which is a webpage for Dragon MUD. I spend a ridiculously large amount of time in Dragon. You could come and try it, I'm supposed to be luring in players. (Muhahaha) Just make sure you have a telnet client, then telnet in! The address is dragon.mudzone.com port 7000. Okay, I think it is late enough, and this has been a fairly crappy piece of writing, so The End.