
Ick. Today it is cold and rainy. And I don't mean Lower 48 cold and rainy. I've experienced that, it's the time in the summer when you wear a sweater till it clears up and is hot and humid again.

Okay, so it's 42 degrees F outside. I was hoping it would be about 36 degrees, which would sound really miserable, especially if it was raining. I mean sleeting, which is rain having an identity crisis and thinking it's snow, or vice versa.

It really is rainging. People will think that's a Freudian slip (a Freudian slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother ;) ) and that it's really sunny and warm and I'm just lying to get sympathy. Well, I am trying to get sympathy and it really is raining. I'm sticking to the facts as I see them.

I really wish I could write as fast as my mind thinks. I was thinking some really interesting stuff. At least, I found it interesting, which is why I thought it. Am I confusing, pointless or what?

The Russian word for rain is 'dozhd' (zh pronounced like the s in treasure). In French rain is 'plieu' or something like that, I can't, of course, spell in French.

Anyways! Today dozhd eedyote. (it's raining) Dozhd sounds like pouring rain, but it only sprinkles in France. If it rains over there (France) then on the news they probably say 'Today we experienced light showers.' Except they would say it in French.

I would say it in French too, but all I know in French is 'Voulez-vous danser avec moi?' or "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?' and I don't have anyone I would say that too. Especially since I doubt I have the verb in the second sentence spelled right, I might mean something worse now.

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