
I'm waiting after school for my mom to pick me up. Right by the door in the commons -- on the wall by the bench I'm sitting on, as a matter of fact -- is a big, butcher paper calendar for this month withs student's birthdays on it. Most of them have comments on them, and a couple things have been added, such as the date of a couple's two month anniversary. However, it might be when the girl of the couple is two months pregnant, it's kind hard to tell. It could be both, of course. One pen and handwriting style has written "Levi + Cassie 2 months" and another has added "pregnant."

Someone else has written "Last Day of School" (on the correct day), with smiley faces in all the "o"s.

I just realized this, one while day is missing -- it's been torn out. It's today. Today is missing. That can't be a good sign. But nothing bad has happened and my mom just showed up.

Ack, they had some temp workers at the doctor's office and I had to wait for over an hour because they forgot to put my chart up. I've been there a couple times lately and the nurse recognized me and said hi (though at that point I was falling asleep and it didn't penetrate my consciousness) but my name never clicked and they decided I'd missed my appointment. Eventually my mom went and asked about the long wait and it wasn't long after that. Inside the examination room (is that what they're called? I don't know) there was a box of little kid toys, including one of those round plastic ones with the pictures of animals around the edges and a big, rotationg plastic arrow. You point the arrow at an animal and pull the string on the side. Then it will say, for instance, "The cow says mooo." Except all the recordings were really old and sounded, as my mom put it, like they were being run over with the farm tractors. It was fun anyway.

After all the medical papers for my summer camp were filled out (they want to make sure I'm not broken when I get there) we went to the grocery store. That may bot cewr exciting, and it really isn't. How interesting can remembering which kind of spaghetti sauce you like be? Answer: It can't be exciting at all, uncless you get shot for buying the wring kind.

Luckily for me, I don't have to write about spaghetti sauce, because I found something far more interesting in the produce department -- a folded piece of paper with a grocery list on it tucked in among the oranges. "Scouring powder; wash cloth for dished; brill pad (soap)" My mother and I wondered how it got there and decided it must have arrived in the hands of an absent minded husband. He'd end up coming home with some oranges, some pringles, maybe a steak for dinner. "How am I supposed to clean the sink?" his wife would shriek. "And I already thawed out chicken for dinner. What happened to the list I gave you?" "I had it when I walked into the store," he'd mumble. "I got some oranges for the kids..."

Then I went and saw Titanic with my family. I didn't see it when it was here before. General impressions of the movie: A very romantic movie. I found it kind of hard to think of the characters by the names 'Jack' and 'Rose' though, because people don't talk about Jack and Rose, they talk about Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. Rose/Kate's fiance sure was a jerk. I think he should have died instead of Jack/Leo, which is probably the majority opinion. At least if Jack/Leo had to die, Kate/Rose should have had his baby. But that's my opinion and I'm not a screenwriter, or else I'd have a lot more money

I didn't cry at all, not even when Jack/Leo died. His character was a nice guy, but there were so many people who died there, why cry for him? My mom said I had a heart of ice and I only love my cats. Yeah, well, the cats sleep with me. If Leonardo Di Caprio slept with me, then I'd cry when he died..

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