
Oh, fun. Today I've recieved a saddish email from my ex. (Background info: it was a virtual relationship and after I hadn't seen or heard from him for 6 months, I sent him a nice email hoping he was having fun, because it no longer concerned me. A month later he drags in, he's so very sorry, he feels like shit, can we still be friends? He thinks I'm the most wonderful person in the world, he'll do anything I want, he'll email me daily. Two, count 'em, weeks and a couple emails later he's gone again. Not that I particularly cared.)

hi liss

is there somsehting wrong?
ive came like 5 times and mailed u
and i get no answer, havent seen u either
:( im sad

No, spelling is not one if his strong points. He's way more code based. I'm sure his computer takes lengthy absences much better, mine certainly doesn't care, but even the cat misses me when I'm gone for a week. So, seeing as my current opinion of this guy is that he should go soak his head in turpentine (or something else extremely flamable) and then go have a smoke, I'm not going to reply to this either. I'm thinking of it as a taste of his own medicine. Another month and I won't even be around to glare at the computer screen if his name comes up.

Meanwhile, I'll keep avoiding him, because I know I'll chew him out in a major, not-so-polite way. I don't want to do that because while he was around he was a pretty nice guy, and I always acted like a really nice girl to him. It's better if he feels like shit for bailing out on a really nice girl than if he feels like he's better of without the bitch I can act like.

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