
About 4 o'clock today my mom came home. She brought my cat, Ashley.

Oh, my poor kitty! She's been to the vet, see, because she had a bad tooth and and abcess in her gums (really nasty, she's just got a hole in her gums, kinda like swiss cheese, only it's her mouth). Today my dad took her in, and she got her tooth pulled. They put in one little stitch, which is blue, where her tooth used to be.

And they gave her anesthesia too, so she is very woozy. She is stoned, my kitty is absolutely stoned.

She can't really walk. When my mom opened the cat carrier she managed to jump out and go down the hall, then her back legs sort of folded, and she had to get up again.

I went and picked her up then, her eyes her dilated, you couldn't see the blue iris at all. When the light reflected in her eyes, they looked luminescent green and glowed. It was kind of scary.

I watched her, to make sure she didn't do anything strange, or hurt herself or throw up on my floor. She almost did, but I put her outside just in time. My sister's cat went outside with her and sniffed her. I guess he must have wondered what was wrong with her.

Ashsley came back inside, and sort of staggered out of the room. I went back to what I was doing, but later I went to look for her. She wasn't in my bedroom or my sister's, but I finally found her on a pile of blankets on the landing. She blinked at me and Mum had said to let her sleep it off, so I left her alone. About half on hour later I heard 'Mrrow? Mrrew?' not like her usual squeaky talking, but with more purr in it, like when my sister's cat talks. I went back up on the balcony and there she was, sitting under the desk, blinking at me. I brought her downstairs and put her on the couch, with my mom. She didn't stay there, but by that time she was walking okay.

It took her eyes a whole day to go back to normal, and she squeaks like normal again. It's kind of weird having a stoned kitty, usually by the time they get home from the vet it has always worn off.

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