
I went nocturnal after school let out, I'm not sure. I just read later and later every night -- no one bothered me with chores or inane questions -- and it never seems to affect my health.

Yesterday though, I went to sleep at 5 am and got up at 2 pm, which is 9 hours sleep. Theoretically, that's all I need. I know I can operate just fine on 7, yet the whole time I was awake yesterday, the part after 2 pm anyway, I was horribly tired. It was worse when I went outside, it had decided to be sunny after all, the bright light made me sleepier. I had Youth Court that evening too, a bar meeting and an arraignment. I was glad that my co-counsel was there to tell me when I was supposed to talk. If she hadn't been there, I would have missed a couple big things, like summary of the facts of the case. At least I wasn't on defense, I would have had to talk to a client.

I went to sleep at 10 o'clock, even though I'd just gotten up eight hours earlier. I woke up a couple times, not sure if I was tired or not, to let cats in and out and to fill their dish once. At 7:30 I heard my dad in the kitchen getting ready for work, so I got up and dressed and went out to talk to him.

I feel odd today too, my body, I think, can't decide to be tired or not. I had some coffee, but I'm still yawning. I've slept for 16 of the last 24 hours. It's just so odd. I can't get over it.

It's all for the best anyway. In about two weeks I head south east, to Pennsylvania for smart brat camp which is four time zones earlier. If I'd kept with the nocturnal schedule, I'd have been extremely screwed up when I got there.

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