
Ack. Today has been a bit odd so far.

Okay, so it hasn't really been that odd. Strange things have happened. That's what I meant to say.

First I couldn't go to sleep last night till late, which is odd, because I haven't been having insomnia this week. Oh well, I guess it came back. So, anyways, I overslept my alarm clock and woke up to Mum in the kitchen instead of my dad.

Then, at about, umm, well, a while ago, maybe noonish? there was an earthquake. I had just stood up for something. To pet the dog, I don't know. Then the floor lurched.

My heart went all fluttery, I'm always expecting 'the big one' so I can think about what will happen, will I live, how will my out of state friends know if I'm okay or not? I'll crawl ten miles with a broken leg and cracked ribs to the high school where there will be all sorts of refuges but I will fight through them, refusing medical help for my wounds, all the way to the computer lab, which will be empty. The power won't have gone out yet. (The school has a generator anyway?) I'll log on and check my email. 20 messages from worried people who know me and have been watching the news. My whole town has collapsed. Am I there? Am I okay? Yes, I'll type in reply. I'm okay. I'm alive. My 'x' had a horrible concussion but I saved him/her when the house caught on fire. And then I'll go and bring a few people back to life.

It was only a two second quake though. The house shivered lightly for a moment and I stood in the middle of the living room, wanting to crumple to the floor, put my ear to the carpet to hear any tremors. Was it still shaking, or was that my legs?

I went up to my sister's room. 'Did you feel that?' She was half asleep and made an unintelligible reply. I considered sending email to local friends, subject 'EARTHQUAKE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!' but decided against it.

Then, about 10-15 minutes ago, I heard the distinctive thunk! of a bird hitting the window. This happens a lot, unfortunately. We've got big picture windows in the living room. I got up, to look for the bird, and I saw a bird up by the window, fluttering and staying in one place. Then it landed on this tree which is right outside the window and another bird, or the same species came up and landed on top of it and started pecking at it's head. At first I wasn't sure if they were trying to fuck or what, but I guess they were fighting. The bird on top kep pecking the other ones head, then they fell out of the tree and fluttered about to keep from hitting the deck and almost hit the window again in the process. Then they flew away. It was very strange.

Now, I just spent a long time reading all of the overheard page at VixWeb. It's funny. It's long. It's entertainment for an entire afternoon if you want to discuss them with someone else. Unfortunately, I'm all alone, so I can't. Today I also visited Java's World which I wouldn't reccomend. Not that there's anything wrong with the content. I haven't looked at the content. I looked at the colors on the first page and it made me sick. Now, I have nothing against people having webpages. I am just against things which are aesthetically unpleasing. Like Captain Ahab in Moby Dick. Now that guy is pretty weird.

Had enough? I have!

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