
Today I've been listening to triple j, which is an aussie radio station. They play pretty regular music, and have news and stuff. Not long after I first started listening to triple j, they were reporting on student riots in Melbourne, and how so-and-so had 'rung the prime minister.' 70% of the fun is listening to the DJs talk. If you've got real audio, click, wait for it to buffer, ignore the static that occasionally shows up, and enjoy!

Today on triple j, they were talking about sports news, Jamaica beat some other country 6 to nil ('nil,' hehe, I love it!). I haven't heard all of a sports cast yet, but I think they're talking about some sort of international soccer (football) competition. At least, that my guess. Anyway, they were talking about Jamaica and some other countries team. Oh, yes, now its sports again, World Cup Soccer, and police had to teargas 'English hooligans,' I guess some of the brittish fans were a bit to enthusiastic.

But anyways, after they were tlaking about Jamaica's team, there was static then it came back with this wonderful little news item. I love it. Maybe I should move to Australia so I can get national news everyday, 24 hours a day with less fuzz than real audio gives me.

'Closet' magazine, the new gay women's magazine in S. Africa is having a national search for an alternative term to use for their readers, as they feel that lesbian has always been used derogatorily and they want to find a term that will not put their readers down.

Earlier, I was listening they started to play this song,and a voice said 'who's responsible for these fish?' (I think) and then it went all fuzzy and I had to reload it and I never found out what came next. It's full of these odd little comments, I left it on and left the room once, when I came back my mom said the DJs had been discussing 'how to treat other people's children.' Should you just smile them when they're being naughty, or would it be okay to 'cuff them upside the head?'

What a great radio station!

Yesterday I watched a movie called 'Tank Girl.' It was funny, it was great. I want to share it with you all. Here, I'll open my mouth really, really wide, and you can look in and see what I ate while watching it... What? Oh, yeah, I guess that's not what you'd want to see.

I did some research. Actually, I just did a search for 'tank girl' on hotbot. The movie came out in 1995, and Tank Girl was originally drawn in Britain as a cartoon character, as an anti-barbie type character. To be different than the other toon-girls. A female character that would 'smoke, drink and puke with the best of them.' Yuppers, well she's definitely a bitch. Your mother wouldn't want you to know about Tank Girl. Too late now, right?

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