
Yesterday in math the nurse came in and talked about stress and stress management. I don't why she didn't go into the health classes. It was pretty boring to me, because I don't feel that I have a problem with stress. At least, when I do it's usually in science, and it's toward the middle or end of the fourth (and last) quarter of the school year. That's the time when my grades are sliding because school's been going forever, and my parents expect a 4.0 and they're not always nice about it, so that is a stressful time of year for me. I have yet to be under heavy stress during math. There's always a first time, but I felt quite silly to be filling out a contract with myself (on pink paper!) about what stress reducing techniquies I would be practicing, and how often. The ways and way in which my dignity is helped by going to high school!

I'm taking two classes at the local branch of the State University, US History (which is a required course for high school graduation) and dah-nananah! Introduction Anthropological Linguistics which is really cool and fun except the other people in the class (6, plus intructor makes 7) probably think I'm a total wacko. I had a lot of sugar today, you see. We were talking about how language changes your perceptions and I said, "Yeah, like if you're describing someone and you say 'He is mean and ugly'" then I happened to look up at the teacher, who happens to be male, and started cracking up. Then I was going to say "as opposed to 'he is nice and happy'" but I said "or if you say 'he is green and bubbly'" and I totally cracked up. Then, there was a wrapper on my desk, from a candy bar which I had been eating earlier so the teacher picks it up and says 'did you eat all of this?' and I said 'yeah' and went into even more hysterical giggles. The teacher seemed to have a sense of humor, as did the other people in the class, so it should be an interesting class, especially when we all get to know each other more. People who know each other can get very silly. And I mean very silly.

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