
"What do you mean we have to graph it?" Shelly asks. "You mean, like, on a graph?" The class giggles a bit. Mrs. Holmes doesn't answer, continuing, instead, to explain the math problem. Algebra 2, aka Advanced Algebra. What joy. So far the only thing we've done that wasn't covered last year in Geometry (Although it's not like anyone paid attention last year or will this year.) is functions. At least that's all I can think of. Having taken the first half of this class over the summer, it's all muddled together and I can take time to write during this class.

There's a guy up there doing a problem. He's a freshmen. I'm not sure why he's in Algebra 2; I think I remember hearing he skipped Geometry, or tested out of it, or something. He's really clean looking. No acne, no beard trying to get a foothold on his chin, unlike a lot of guys in my grade. He goes back to his seat. I think he's wearing a cross. Wait, no, it's an ankh. Or is it? It's more like a T with a little ring on the top for the chain. It it's s'posed to be an ankh it's a screwy one. Funny that I'm noticing ankh's now. It's all Rose's fault.

I hope we don't get homework. I've only got one class left after this one, and I haven't gotten any yet. If I don't get any homework, I can go home and do my chores. (No, I'm not really looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to the positive consequences. Me well-trained teen.) Then I can pack some more stuff in my room (moving this weekend!) and then my parents will consider me a wonderful child and I'll get to use the computer. Using the computer, of course, is the whole goal of my small and pathetic life.

"Find the relationship," the teacher is explaining, means that the book (which she refers to as 'they') wants the equation of the line, in y=mx+b form for now. Hey, 13 minutes, there won't be homework because we were supposed to have a quiz today. This makes me ridiculously happy.

I have so many things going on. I get to call Rotary International this afternoon, if they don't call me by 4:30. Moving, school (such a lot of work) college classes (need to do that reading) and I'm starting to look at colleges. This week's favorite college: Haverford. Favorite potential major: Education of the Gifted/Talented. Favorite Country for Rotary exchange: Germany.

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