
So, I'm supposed to be moving this coming weekend, because these people are supposed to finish making the necessary repairs on the house, so my parents will close on the house on Saturday. Hehe, that's a good one.

Let me describe this house, the one my parents are buying. When we went over there with the realtor at the beginning of the summer, we came up the road, past this little pond, then there's this Big, blue house, with a fenced in lawn in the front. You can see that there's a sunroom or the like on the south side, huge windows. There's a little sheltie in the front, barking its head off. Outside looks good, except I'm not so fond of fences.

We go up the driveway. The other side of the house has a small deck, flower buckets, another small lawn and a flower bed in the middle. Drops off in the back, small trail downhill through a small marshy spot to a large lake, with white sand and, reportedly, fish. Driveway's gravel, if you care.

Over all house plan is rectangular. Two floors, bottom one sunken, so I guess it's really a basement, but it's finished. You come on, there's a big rectangular living room on the north, long half of the house. South half is half kitchen, half large store room. My mom's always wanted a pantry. The kitchen has a bar thing instead of a wall to separate it from the living room.

At the east end of the kitchen and living room there are two staircases, one up to three bedrooms and the upstairs bathroom. The other stairs go down to another room place, from which you can go north into the master bedroom or west, into a large carpeted room, a sort of sub-living room. Overall, quite a nice, roomy house.

The current owners, though, find some new way to piss off my dad every day. Today the glass people they hired fixed the wrong windows, though it's unclear whose fault, exactly, that was. So my parents won't close this weekend.

And I already packed all my books!

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