
    For English I'm supposed to turn a rough draft of a five paragraph essay tomorrow. I don't want to do it. Of course, I'm usually happier if I I don't have anything that I have to do. This particular essay a compare and contrast essay. Oh, okay, I did that at CTY this summer, comparing and contrasting two texts against each other. This is different though. This essay is a compare and contrast between me and my best friend.

    To me this is just another horribly inane school assignment. First, it requires the studentthe choose among his or her friends and aquaintances and label one, and only one, of them as a Best Friend. That, I think, is Evil. Myself, I don't feel that I have a really "close" friend of the type I could write an essay about. I think I'll do my cat. Except that might severely damage my grade, depending on the mind set of the teacher. Aargh, I don't like this assignment.

    Compare and and contrast yourself and your best friend! In five paragraph format!

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