
    In large building, people, like college, classes, halls, etc. Something about a black boy, tall, very dark skin, hair very short. Dream time passes, I don't know what happened but I am with a guy who I know is a friend and some else, and we know the black boy is missing and it is very bad, so we are running, to find someone to report it too. We find an office and there's a girl behind the desk (strangely enough, it is Danielle who goes to my school and who I have had classes with but have never talked too. She has long blond hair and in the dream she wear an over-sized pale blue sweater.) when we try to tell her this is important she doesn't pay attention to us. So we keep going and we are in Keiper (at this point I realize I am at CTY), only it has a front lobby and there's Danielle again at the desk. This time she has some pictures of the black boy, with his family, from when he was little.

    (When we walked in my friend groaned, like, 'oh, this isn't going to help at all' and I though we should go to Thomas and look for Papa Jack, but the third person said no, let's stick with this for now)

    So I look at these pictures and I'm like, 'yes, that's him, let's do something, but Danielle just shows me pictures of other CTYers (Ella amongst them). At that point my friend began to cry and I hugged him for a long time.

    Then I turned to leave, because Danielle was no help at all, and I walk out the door of Keiper and the first thing I see is a squirrel. Since it's a dream, there's a tree right in front of Keiper and this tree has a branch or two that go right over the door. Tied to one of these branches is a three foot piece of white string, at the end of which is a loop, which is around this squirrel's neck and it had been hung! It was dead! And there it was, swinging back and forth, right in front of the Keiper door!

    So I ran back inside and reported this to Danielle, who said "Is it on a chain or a cord? What type of loop?" as if it happened every day. I was like, "A string, maybe some sort of collar on its neck." And that's the end of that dream.

    Although, somewhere in it, my friend, I, and the third person, whoever he was, were walking accross campus and we passed a big field with a grass orgy all over it. :)

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