
    At Skyview, in sophmore hall. There's a gas pump right in the middle of the hall, in front of the bathrooms. I go up to it, take one of the nozzles and started putting gas into something beside me. I didn't want to put a lot of gas in it, because I didn't have a lot of money. So I stopped when the meter was at about $3, but it kept going, to $5. I look for my wallet, and by the time I find it and realize that I only have $3, some guy has taken the same nozzle and used it, so now the meter says $14. So I stick my $3 into the little slot that eats your money and I leave.

    Then I am with Melissa Bixby and she is giving me a ride home, so we were in her truck, in the parking lot. Since school just got out, there were a million cars trying to get out of the parking lot. So Mel gets kind of frustrated and she says to me 'We'll take a shortcut,' and I'm like oh, okay. So she drives over towards the football field, but the football field is gone and it's woods. Mel goes on to a road that is in the woods and now we're going downhill. We pass a little yellow sign which says "lakefront" and I say "Um, Melissa, where are we going?" and she just says "On a shortcut." Then suddenly we come out of the trees and there's a lake, right there. I'm think, okay, she'll drive around the lake, on the shore, but she just hits the gas and we go out on the lake, and we drive across it. We we're getting close to the shore, I think, geez, this is never going to work, and I must have closed my eyes, because the next thing I know we're on the highway, going south. I was trying to think how we drove over that like, so I was asking Melissa all sorts of questions, "It's a shallow lake, right?" "Your tires are jacked up, right?" but she didn't answer.

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