
    Here comes another weekend! It means I will have to do more moving, but I will at least be able to sleep in first. Ahh.... Sleep. What a wonderful word.

    Know what? We got a new shower curtain, which is really neat looking, it has some pretty funky cats on it. THe only thing is, it smells torrible! Absolutely herrible! It's got a really strong plactis smell. Not to mention that the the catbox and the catfood are in that room as well, so it's not a particularly nice place to be.

    The previous owners of our new house were real stinkers. Out by the drive way they dumped out a whole bunch of potted plants. Potting soil in a whole big heap, with pansies poking out. And a rose, still with the little plastic taggie on it, which said it was a very hardy type of rose. So my dad went and bought a big pot and we retrieved it on Wednesday night, along with a lot of dirt. It has only a few green shoots, most of it is torribly prickly sticks, which we'll probably cut off. Hopefully it will survive and grow, because the one flower it has left if beautiful. And if it doesn't make, we're going to get cuttings off the giant jungle polants in the old house.

    I've just delved deep into Russian grammar. It seems pretty screwy, but then, what do the Russians think of our grammar? Or the way we spell! At least Russian is mostly phoenetic.

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