
The best thing to eat applesauce out of is a mug. Everyone should eat applesauce out of mugs. You should. At least try it. A spoon is optional, but may be necessary to get the last bits out of the mug. A plain cup is not very satisfying, though it is much better than a bowl.

My good friend Jason and I had a conversation about artichokes last night. I like artichokes, and so does he. The best part of an artichokes is the part on the bottom, underneath all that funky fuzz, the mushy grey part. Jason said that part is the heart. I kind of thought the heart was the middle leaves/petals that are really thin. The grey part would be more of the butt. Yes, I ear artichoke butts and enjoy it too!

Jason also reccomends, by the way, eating artichokes with melted garlic butter with a little lemon juice.

I like to eat yogurt. Not just any kind of yogurt, mind you! Banana=strawberry yogurt, for instance, I find completely disgusting. I like peach yogurt. Yoplait original (99% fat=free, but can you find anything that isn't?) Peach yogurt with a red tinfoil lid. Peeling off the lid is half the fun of eating yogurt, you know. It takes some talent (I'd like to think) to take the foil lid off a yogurt. I could be wrong, but I can also assume that it's just that everyone has the talent. Making me no less special of course! (I like to feel special.)

The other hald of the fun of yogurt is eating it, of course. While eating yogurt, it's probably best not to meditate on how it is made with living cultures, but you could do that. I, personally, prefer to enjoy the creamy texture of the yogurt and the troodleness of the occastion diced peach bit.

Are you one of the world's million (billions?) of soda drinkers? (My west coast dialect didn't completely resurface after I went home. I havne't called it pop since early June.) If so, I urge you to stop! Try something else if you must have the caffeine, or eat plain sugar! Quit fooling yourself! Soda isn't worth drinking if you're thirsty because it only dehydrates you. I would even go so far as to say that it is addictive. And it isn't pleasant stuff. Soda is empty calories there are no vitamins or minerals worth mentioning in a soda, just sugar.

Here's a simple exercise for you. Take your soda bottle, look at that funky little chart of minerals and fat and sugar and such. Take the number of grams of sugar it gives you, times it by the number of servings in a bottle, then divide by four. The numbver you get is how many teaspoons of sugar are in that bottle. For a further demonstration, get a cup and the sugar bowl and put that many teaspoons of sugar in the cup.

As I understand it, to make soda, they take that plain white sugar, add water, coloring, flavoring, some preservatives and some other chemicals, carbonate it, then bottle it. Then you buy it and you drink it.

The other chemicals they put in it must be pretty screwy. I have a friend whose dad installs those soda machines, where you push a button and whoosh!, out comes soda. Well, apparently for Pepsi they install a separate set of pipes, because it corrodes them so quickly. Right. This stuff is corroding metal.

Therefore, I am not drinkng it. A new resolution for me, because as recenlty as July I was drinking a can of Surge, the charged citrus drink, a day. And eating ramen and pixy stix and other healthy stuff as a main part of my diet.

But no more! Now I am grooving with my yogurt and fruit and cabbage (truly. if you eat it plain and uncooked it is good. kinda sweet even) and even some tofu.

....and chocolate milk and fries for lunch, as religiously as I have yogurt for breakfast, so you may not call me contradictory, because one french fry has as much fat as an entire baked potato!

And I like peanut butter on apples!

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