
Today I've been telling people "Happy 16th." It makes them do a real double take.

I encourage everyone to floss, often. I didn't, and I got my first filling on Saturday. I'm flossing now. Brushing is also recommended.

Imaginary numbers are fun.

Email today says I have an AB card from "Martin." Email address indicates this is a person in UK. I didn't have time to look at the card, so now I am in suspense, and trying to figure who I know who would go by Martin, have a co.uk address, and have my email. No ideas as of yet.

Babaloop is a very good, expressive word. Use it often. Coming up with a definition is optional.

You'd think -- what with the number of students with their heads down on desks -- that desk manufacturers would make them a bit softer. And they should smell nicer too. I want a peppermint scented desk, damitall!

"By Jove" refers to Zeus/Jupiter.

New Disney is EVIL!

In 21 minutes, a bell will ring. At that point in time, over 600 students in thsi building will simultaneously rush to the exits, most stopping at their lockers. The halls will be very crowded. I know, because I am psychic.

Riding the bus is rather tiresome, but since we moved I get off at the first stop, which is pretty good. It means, however, that I rdie the bus that goes "way out there."

Trinomials, binomial and other polynomials have really gotten a bad rap.

If everyone understood a little more, school could be more interesting, and more fun. It makes me sad when people do not get it, and still don't get it after the teacher explains, and I explain it. I like solving equations.

My kitty is the sweetest kitty there ever was. Well, actually, if I say that, everyone will tell me how sweet their kitty is (if people were really reading this and were motivated enough to write me) so I guess I should say 'my kitty is one of many tied for Sweetest Kitty in the World."

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