
Well now. I am losing it. I am certifiably losing marbles, even as I write. I see them falling from my ears, popping out of my mouth, dropping to the floor and rolling about. It is amazing. I never knew I had that many marbles to begin with.

Not really, I don't have marbles flying from various holes in my head. Most of the time is best not to take me literally. Don't take any English speaker literally, actually. We use to many odd phrases which aren't much help when taken literally. 'Raining cats and dogs' for instance. My Russian teacher also works as a translator, he was telling us about having some trouble with that phrase, and with others.

But yes, you are wondering why I am wandering. Lost marbles, I tell you, lost marbles. I am finding overwhelming evidence this week that bits and pieces of me are walking off, and going in directions that the rest of me is not.

Monday I got to school. 4th hour came around, I couldn't find my calculator. Oh well, I thought, it's probably at home. I don't remember taking it home, but that's probably what I did. But I didn't find my claculator, which is a TI-83, you know, one of the $100 ones. On Tuesday I was reduced to calculating parabolas in the margins of my paper, and I picked up all my dirty laundy and looked in my mom's car. This morning I asked at the office to see if anyone has turned in a graphing calculator. Nope. So math rolls around again and it occurred to me to ask my math teacher if she'd found a graphing calculator. "What kind?" she asked. "A TI-83." "Top right hand drawer of my desk. Better put your name on it."

So I got my caluclator back. It worries me that I not ony left it somewhere, but I didn't have a clue as to where I left it, other than that I had it Friday afternoon, but not Monday morning.

And I've nearly lost several other things...

A little over a month till I turn 16. I must be getting old.

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