
Heigh ho, mi dearie oh! I am happy now. Yesterday I turned 16. Give my the keys, the credits cards and get out of my way!

Nah, just kidding, I can't drive worth el toro poopie and while I would love to go out and buy everything I want, it would eventually come back to me and I'd be in debt until I was well past child-bearing age.

To celebrate my birthday I was a smidgeon lazier than I was the day before, and my mom got artichokes for dinner, and my dad got halibut and they each bought a cake, not knowing the other had. So I have plenty for breakfast.

For my birthday I was given a number of nice things, a russian cd from my dad, and a most delightful alarm clock from my Granny. It looks like this and somewhat like this and sounds like this. Wow, that's a lot of thisses. He is speaking in Japanese, by the way. At least, that's what the catalog and the labels and stuff said. He could be speaking Swahili for all the Japanese and Swahili I know. He actually says more than is in the .wav, but it was really big, so I cut out the clangs and the repeated phrases to give you a concise Bibo (his name apparently) speech. He's got a red light implanted in his forehead which flashes when he is making noise. I don't think he's one for people with heart problems. Wake up, it's dark, there's clanging, someone shouting in Japanese, flashing red lights... Probably would not be good.

But he is definitely better than my previous alarm clock, whose fate you will learn, and is probably best conveyed.. Well, maybe not best conveyed, but conveyed acurately in the following sob story I told to my ex, not long ago.

>You say 'It's a much better alarm clock than my other one, which just goes beep beep'
>You say 'or me previous alarm clock, which was quite nice, and glowed prettily and sounded like a fire alarm'
>You say 'and fell off of my bunkbed at CTY, twice and no longer glows, or shows the correct time.'
Kenai grins evilly.
Kenai says 'i got a buinch of damaged clocks'
Kenai says 'like 4'
Kenai says 'interesting , i got 4 damaged clocks, '
Kenai whistles innocently.
Kenai smiles happily.
>You grin evilly.
>You say 'Well, there really was no place to put the clock where I could reach it in time, and not fall off, so I put it on the end of the bed, and managed to kick it off twice'
Kenai says 'poor thingee clock'
Kenai says 'i move a lot in the bed'
Kenai falls down laughing.
>You grin at Kenai.
Kenai smiles happily.
>You say 'only twice in three weeks.. that's not bad'
>You say 'I think for most of the time it was on the head end of the bed. Or I slept with my head on its end'
Kenai says '(;'
>You say ''But the last time it fell off.. Well, it went off in the morning, and I managed to reach down and unplug it without falling out of bed, I don't know how, and I didn't think of it till the next afternoon'
>You say 'And the poort thing was quite smashed... the front came off, several numbers fell out, and it's little light bulb that made it glow so nicely was broken'
Kenai comforts you and offers his sympathy.
Kenai grins evilly.
>You say 'But I put it back together and it does still work, just not as well'
Kenai says '"just not as well"'
Kenai grins evilly.
>You say 'And it now longer glows, of course, and I really had to go by my roommates alarm, which was rather annoying, because it was on the other side of the room and I usually ended up turning it off'
>You nod.
>You say 'just not as well'
Kenai says ';)'
Kenai says 'i really have problem with the clocks'
Kenai says 'i dotn seem to hear em'
Kenai says 'i got 2 clocks and my watch , all with 6am in the morning, and sometimes they cant wake me up'
>You say 'O I always hear it, I just turn it off, rather than hitting snooze, so I am late anyway'
Kenai says 'heavy heavy dream'
>You look at Kenai and smile.
Kenai falls down laughing.
Kenai smiles happily.
>You say 'And usually somewhere around 20 minutes before we are supposed to leave my sister comes in and asks if I am getting up this week'
Kenai says 'same here'
Kenai says 'but dad is the one who comes'

Aah, it is after 10! How am I going to keep on a schedule like this?

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