Ladies and Gentle men, what you are observing here are magnified examples, or facsimiles, or human sperm. Generation after generation of the tiny creatures have sacrificed themselves in their persistent, often futile attempts to transport the basic male genetic code. But where is this information coming from? They have no eyes, no ears, yet some of them already know that they will be bald. Some of them know that they will know that they will have small crooked teeth. Over half of them will end up as women. 400 million living creatures all knowing precisely the same thing. Carbon copies of each other, in a kamikaze race against the clock. Now, some of you may be surprised to learn that if a sperm were the size of a salmon, it would be swimming its seven ince journey at 500 miles per hour. If a sperm where the size of a whale, however, it would be traveling at 15,000 miles per hour, or mach 20. Now imagine, if you will, 400 million, blind and desperate, sperm whales beparting from the Pacific coast of North America, swimming at 15,000 miles per hour and arriving in Japanese coastal waters in just under 45 minutes. How would they be recieved? Would they realize that they were carrying information, a message? Would there be room for so many millions? Would they know that they had been sent for a purpose? |