trendy sorts of titles for webpages. or maybe they're just strange. your choice. go ahead and use one of them if you want, but email me about it.

    happy sort of titles
  • blow-drying the carpet
  • Oz on crack
  • rising roses
  • hazelnut wafers
  • psychadelic paisley
  • kinetic
  • eclectic electric
  • nanoplankton
  • obelisk (talk, 4 sided shaft of stone, usually tapering and monolithic)
  • oodles
  • oogamete (female gamete of sporozoans)
  • opinari (latin - to think)
  • optical dreams
  • plication (the act of folding)
  • simoleon (slang, a dollar)
  • Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths)
  • mulberries
  • tea cozy
  • tetchy (peevish)
  • tessera (individual piece of a mosaic)

    unhappy sort of titles
  • sugar coated shards
  • frozen roses (don't decay)
  • cynical toast
  • tired and crumbly
  • killing kindness
  • 42 to nil
  • Narvahl (old Norse - corpse whale, so called for whitish color which resembled a floating corpse)
  • obligatory life
  • onerous phrases
  • Ophiuchus (constellation near Hercules and Scorpio, means 'serpent holder')
  • pensive
  • falling leaves
  • smithereens

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