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Author's Note: The events of this story occur before Kes left. When I first started this series it was only a rumored that Jennifer Lien was leaving the show. The occurrences of this take place between "Displaced" and "Scorpion".

By T.R. Orton


Voyager has been adrift now for 6 days since leaving what Harry believes to be an unstable, artificial wormhole. Harry's tricorder is showing readings of low ultra-violet radiation and a high concentrate of uranium deposits, a character native to the Gamma Quadrant. This information leads us to believe that the changeling was somehow trying to get home. Before escaping in the shuttlecraft, 'Cochrane' the changeling disengaged the warpcore, impulse engines and main computer system. We've been unable to reach Engineering as the changeling setup Cardassian-like booby traps around deck 11's premise while flooding Engineering with plasma gas residue making transporting into there impossible, even if the transporter system was on-line. The auxiliary life support system is running low on power and the only thing we can count on is Neelix delivering his self-made rations. The only systems that doesn't crash if put to use for more than 2.03 seconds are the short-range sensors and audio hailing systems, the latter proving useless yet left untouched by the changeling for some reason. On a much more disturbing note, Lt. Tuvok was found locked yesterday in the ship's armory storage closet. He was found very frail and barely alive. This leads us to believe that the changeling was primarily impersonating Tuvok, as the surrounding clues seem to add up. According to, Lt. Paris, Tuvok had not been giving proper nutrients in over 3 weeks. Lt. Paris had to arrange a new Sickbay in Neelix's demolished Mess Hall after leaking gamma radiation from the deflector array deemed deck 5 through 7 unsafe. The Stellar Cartography department…

"Commander, I'm detecting something approximately nine thousand kilometers off the port bow," Paris called from is station.
"What is it?" Chakotay asked.
"It seems to be twelve ships. That's all I'm able to tell," Paris replied, as Janeway entered the Bridge from her ready room.
"What's going on?" Janeway asked Chakotay.
"Mr. Paris has just detected twelve unidentified ships."
"Ensign," Janeway called to Kim, "Any luck with that high-powered tricorder you assembled?"
"I think so. If I could have another 7 minutes, I could decipher the ships' warp signature," Kim replied.
"I don't think that will be needed," Paris called, "One of the ships is hailing us."
"Answer the hail, Mr. Paris," Janeway ordered.
Paris taped in a few buttons on his station followed by chimes."
"THIS IS THE DOMINION WARSHIP, 1472-AG BETA. PREPARE TO BE BOARDED," the stern message ended abruptly as Janeway noticed her crew de-materializing and Jem'Haddar taking their place. Soon a Vorta appeared in front of her.
"What do want?" Janeway demanded of the short pointy-eared woman before her.
"Ah, Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyager. How good to meet you," the Vorta proclaimed, "I am Kaytra, I do wish these circumstances were better. I-"
"What do you want!" Janeway demanded again much more aggravated noticing the genetically engineered soldiers starting to circle her.
"All in good time, Captain. Right now I need you to come with this man over here," Kaytra motioned toward another Vorta standing near B'Ellana's Bridge station. "And tell him a brief history of this ship and its missions, nothing that would be in mission reports but more personal details of such events."
"If you think-" Janeway de-materialized with the second Vorta before she could finish her sentence.
"Tell, 1472-BK to engage a tractor beam and tow this ship to sub-sector 1049. And get rid of these chairs" Kaytra called to a Jem'Haddar standing near the science station. "We've been waiting 3 years for this."


"How long do you think it's been?" Paris said to no one in particular.
"At least a day," Kim replied not liking the cold, dark containment he was in. Frustrated with not being able to see anything Kim kicked the nearest thing that his leg was able to touch.
"Ouch!" Ensign Grove yelped.
"Sorry, Jessica. I've just really been on edge," Kim tried to explain.
"I'm sure something will happen soon… I hope," Grove replied. Just barely finishing her sentence a tingling feeling came over the group as a blue flash enclosed all of their sight. As the transport completed the officers noticed their new surroundings. A large room, resembling one of Voyager's Cargo Bay, with large bulkheads and rows of distinctively arranged red and blue lights.
"Come with me," a voice called behind them. Turning around the officers noticed a Jem'Haddar soldier. Not willing to protest the armed soldier, they followed him through a large door and into a corridor. After walking for 5 minutes the soldier lead them to a slender door comprised of alien dialect on the top. "Enter." Kim was the first to comply, than Grove followed by Paris. The door quickly shut behind them followed by a sharp energy sound. Paris looked behind him at the door. Curious, he touched the door as a shield enveloped the entrance while shocking his hand.
"Tom," Kim called to his friend.
"What is it Harry?" Paris asked caressing his injured hand. Paris turned around blankly staring at something he thought he would never see again.

"What was your response to Mr. Paris and Mr. Neelix having food covering their attire " the Vorta known as Bainun asked Janeway. The harnessed captain had nuero-magnetic rods driven into her temples putting her against will to do anything.
"I assumed they were having a personal problem over Voyager member 152. I requested they work it out and sent them on their mission," Janeway replied in a computer-like tone.
"While they were gone…"

"Klingons?" Paris still could not believe it. There were about a dozen of them, each eyeing Kim, Grove and Paris. After a minute one of them spoke.
"You are not part of the U.S.S. VANCOUVER crew," The oldest of them growled. Kim recognized the Nebula-class vessel's name.
"We're from the U.S.S. VOYAGER, can you tell us-" Paris was cut off by the Klingon who was just talking.
"Captain Mitchell!" the Klingon called through a frame door leading to another room.
"What is it K'Tragke," a human voice called from the other room.
"We have humans here. They do not appear to be from your crew." Footsteps came through the door. A human wearing a Starfleet combadge, but not a Starfleet style uniform appeared. His collar had four pips, a captain's rank.
"Who are you?" the man asked.
"I'm Lt. Thomas Paris of the U.S.S. VOYAGER. Our ship got pulled through a wormhole almost a week ago at the hands of a changeling." Paris started to explain.
"VOYAGER went missing almost three years ago and those uniforms are out of date. You changelings really need to be more original. The Dominion will get nothing from us," Mitchell announced as if he were telling the entire quadrant.
"We're not changelings. Three years ago we were pulled through an array-" Kim tried to say.
"Prove it," a deep voice came from the middle of the Klingons. A crude dagger flashed by Paris's eyes.
"What?" Paris exclaimed.
"Cut your hands!" the Klingon yelled to the new Starfleet group "Prove your are made of flesh."
Grove peered at the weapon. She reached for it, grabbing it from the Klingon as she quickly pricked her finger. It released a sticky, red liquid that she soon after wiped onto her uniform. The Klingon seemed unimpressed yet satisfied enough to move his eyes over to the remaining Ensign and Lieutenant.
"Now you."
Paris went first and cut a one-centimeter wound into his palm, Kim the same.

