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  • Thanks to for supplying this info.

    Here's the scoop. You know all that stuff about Star Trek Flight Academy. Forget it. That ain't the plot. Apparently, the new Trek is going to feature a Star Fleet vessel called the USS Excellent. The action is going to be set at the far end of the Federation frontier from where the Klingons, Romulans etc hang out - nice excuse to trot out some new races & faces. We're not fountains of Trek lore, so some fans might be able to help us out here, but apparently in STTNG there were references to some 'good people'-type political alliance at the nub end of the Federation that takes 6 months in Warp to reach. The analogy being if the Federation is the USA, then this other lot are the European Community. All very settled and civilised, all rather peaceful and boring. No Trek stories to date have ever focused on this area of space - I guess trade deal arguments over tariffs on Romulan Ale don't an interesting plot-arc make. Well, apparently the EC analogue is being threatened by a newly discovered hostile alien super-power and large swathes of it quickly falls to their guns. The Federation needs to make a decision. Do they support their previously friendly neighbour and risk all-out war with the new kids on the block, or do they let their chums fall and invite a deadly new enemy to camp on their distant borders. The enemy (we weren't leaked the name) is being described as nomadic space barbarians - fairly primitive and gothic, possibly even steam-driven ion drives for in-system travel, but hordes and hordes of the buggers. Sounds like Orks in space to us. Because this area of space has been as exciting and as dangerous as Sweden for over a hundred years, the Federation has hardly any warships in the area - only trading stations, science ships, research posts and small police action capable vessels one size bigger than runabouts. The one exception? The USS Excellent, a new class of mega-ship that has been sent to take part in an extensive joint Federation/EC knowledge & experience exchange program. Yep, they're the only Federation vessel worth a spit on the ground - and likely to remain that way for 6 months - and the future of the UFP hangs on their actions. Sounds like a good opener. Our source was cagey about the casting choices because it's still going on, but there might be a few interesting species choices on the vessel following Paramount Chief's concerns that Babylon Five was out-gunning them on the realistic alien aliens front. Do we detect a whiff of CGI in the air? Just as long as Jar Jar Binks doesn't make a crossover appearance, we will be more than satisfied. More of the new Trek series from our Deep Throat source as we wheedle it out of him (or her).

  • Something that's been flowing around for a long time is the series revolving around Starfleet Academy. If that's so and it does take place in the early 25th century there is the possibility that Captain Sisko's/Captain Yate's child could appear as a main character. The kid would be following in Sisko's footsteps. And to make things more interesting for the cadet we could have a Bajoran character who may worship or despise Cadet Sisko. We may also see the return of an aged Professor O'Brian. Remember all of this is my speculation and could be the farthest away from the truth
  • So far there has been a lot of setup around Section 31. We could an entire series dedicated to tying up the loose ends in the Star Trek universe while at the same time making the few members of Section 31 deal with ethical issues. I myself think it would be pretty lousy to watch week after week if there was no base and only a few members like DS9 established
  • My last idea would have to settle on the USS Relativity. I know, I know that's a 29th century ship/setting not a 25th century. But look at the phasers, ship design, consoles and tricorders from 'FUTURE'S END' and 'RELATIVITY'. Those things look like technology from the 25th century. Maybe for some reason Braxton had to lie about what century he's from. Anyway, we could follow the adventures of Captain Braxton and Lt. Ducane before Braxton was sent to prison (or how the timeline was supposed to be after 'FUTURE'S END'). We could watch them repair the timeline and battle their advisaries, the Temporal Terrorists. Sure, it sounds corny but wouldn't it be fun to watch?
  • Daniel Keefer: I believe that the next series should not be set in any specific place with the same characters show after show after show. It should be like a twilght zone or outer limits with different characters and settings per episode set in the startrek universe. For example,one episode could feature the crew of a klingon battle cruiser on a particular mission their on or a federation scientist thats conducting illegal experiments because he feels its for the greater good or maybe his own good.The possibilities for stories would be endless,they could even take an episode or two and revisit kira and jake or ambassador worf on kronos. Personaly I would like to see the first encounter between the federation and klingons that turned out to be a total disaster.
  • Philip O'Leary: I think it should be about 1 or 2 after the Dominion war and the Federation Alliances doing some post-war rebuilding. But with the alliance in its weekend state pirates, mercenaries and raiders have been taking advantage of the powers. So Star fleet dispatches the 3rd fleet to police the old front-lines. This story has to do with the Federation Alliance air-craft carrier U.S.S. Armageddon a heavily armed Akira class starship refitted with the facilities to service at least 100 federation fighters. The fighters are the ones used in "sacrifice of angles" and other major battles. The show would be about the ships pilots and wing commander plus captain and some of the crew. but unknown to the federation is that its the Tzenkethi & Son'a who are creating the problems in the old war-zone. And because of its proximity to wear the war took place they could visit DS9, Chin'Taka, starbase 375, and other places wear the war raged on.
  • Fabio Alexander Juan Luelmo Well, as the Series V will be in the 25th century, there's no reason why not to use Nog, or Jake, or even the little girl in Voyager, but that's just chaacter speculation that might give interesting episodes. I think the reason this will be a different Trek compared to the other 4 series is that The Feds have changed so much in this time. We can assum that thanx to Voyager, they have slipstream tech (to be only used when warp is inadequate), borg tech, Krenim tech and god knows what else. This all means that The layout of the galaxy will be seen in a new light, as the Federation and it's allies can zip from quadrant to quadrant in weeks. Thusly encountering the Borg, Dominion and god knows what else all the time. (Just think how advanced the Borg will be by then!) This could lead to intergalctic exploration, instead of just interstellar. Which means they won't bleed the Trek galaxy dry of ideas, and thanx to CGI, aliens in other galaxies will not be humanoid. (As we all know, only this galaxy was scatered with humanoid DNA) I gather Temporal Investigations are gonna have their hands full in this series as we know the Prime Directive Has become the Temporal Prime Directive by then.

Do have any plot ideas for the next series? If you do send them to me and I'll post them here.